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Don't Let an Old Building Grind You Down!

It is so sad to hear of a congregation closing.   Even when they amalgamate with another group, there is still a feeling of loss.

There are many congregations struggling with an aging, inaccessible building that has an obsolete sound system and a cranky furnace, along with a lack of free parking etc. etc.  Each year the congregation declines in numbers until the inevitable happens.

Then this morning, a colleague told me about how the congregation he grew up in has turned things around.  When he told me how they did it, I couldn't help but channel Homer Simpson (D'Oh!)  It was so obvious.  Just because you have a church building, doesn't mean that's the only place you can worship.  Once a month, they took worship to the people and met in the local community centre.  Word spread and attendance started going up.  Now they are building a new church on the old site.

It makes me wonder whether congregations could hold services in neighbouring towns to take the worship to the people and see who would like to join them. 

Hallelujah, what an epiphany!


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