bygraceiam's picture



Open Table...Belief in the Holy Spirit..

Hello everyone.........God bless you........

I believe in the Holy Spirit sent from God to do His will and also holds the status of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.......all one....all divine.....all awesome...

I believe the Holy Spirit is made up of different Spirits......

Spirit of God.....spirit of Love, spirit of Peace, spirit of Knowledge, spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Healiing, spirit of forgiveness.......

These are the spirits of our characteristics.....Attributes of Jesus......
To become these spirits we ask the Holy Spirit to teach them to us....
Then the Holy Scriptures teach us the way............Awesome God we serve.

Dear Lord I ask that You to put the spirit of forgiveness over me....I ask that each time I have to forgive..You will give me the strength to forgive once again......not seven times but seventyseven times....teach me to forgive as you forgive....amen.....
In Your Name I Pray Jesus......

Proverb 4:18

But the path of the just is as a shinning light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day......when we will be resurrection....

Praise Jesus He is that Light.

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footprints165's picture



I thought God WAS the Holy Spirit.
They are not separate entities. God is everything. God IS the holy spirit. No need to differentiate the two. They are One and the Same.

JRT's picture



For many years I have struggled to understand the theory of the trinity. To say it is a mystery that we are not expected to comprehend simply doesn't cut it. Some time ago I discovered that in the original formulation of the trinity, the word in Greek which we traditionally have interpreted to mean "persons", as in "three persons in one God" is actually the same word used to designate the mask worn by actors in Greco-Roman theater. We cannot call this a "person" but we can certainly call it a "persona". This insight has put a totally new spin on the entire concept for me. We finite creatures cannot possibly hope to describe our transcendent God, but we can speak of the roles or personae that assist our understanding. God as creator/father, God as spirit/sustainer, and the glimpse of God we obtain in the life and teaching of Jesus. We are not limited to just these three. Any persona that promotes our understanding of and our relationship to God is completely acceptable. God could be mother as well as father. God could be Wisdom / Sophia / Word / Allah / Krishna / Manitou. God's possibilities are endless. These are merely our human images of God. God is, as always, ONE.

bygraceiam's picture



Hello everyone...God bless you......

I do agree with both of you and it is true....the Holy Trinity is the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit.....but it is through the Holy Spirit upon us that we feel Gods love, peace, direction , wisdom and knowledge...this is how God teaches us with the Holy Spirit.......the bible says the Holy Spirit is also our comforter.....

At the times that we are in need for example of is then we call upon the Holy Spirit to provide that forgiveness.....from God....

I believe that it is through the Holy Spirit that the angels deliver Gods will, it is the angels who minister His will.......forgiveness, strength etc....

So what ever it is we require the Holy Spirit upon us provides from God....
The bible also says we cannot comprehend what God has in store for those who love Him........Awesome God we serve....He is a supernatural God ....who can provide for us all ways......

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Truth, the Light

Band's picture



If god is everything, then we are god. no?