Dreamcatcher's picture



The Other Twin


I have a twin brother, whom I love very much. But it’s hard being his twin, because, well, for example, he skipped a grade. So now, whenever, we are introduced to anyone as twins and asked what grade we’re in, he says 10, I say 9. The person we’re being introduced to is confused, and it has to be explained and always…always they feel the need to make some sort of joke about how I’m the stupid one.
The worst part is, I’m actually the older one, so not only am I shorter, weaker and one grade behind; I’m also the one who should be ahead in all of these aspects. I know I’m a girl, and he’s a guy, so the rules don’t necessarily apply, but that won’t stop the incredulity in their voices: “You’re the older one? But…”
It’s not that I don’t try, because I do. I try hard to do well on assignments and all my school work, but it’s hard to be proud of an 85% when he comes home with a 92%. But it’s not just academic stuff. He’s more outgoing, stronger, taller, funnier, more fun to be around, a better artist, a more talented musician…everything that I aspire to be.
I guess I’m jealous; but quite honestly, I wouldn’t change him for the world. If anything, I would change me…to be more like him. I know that it’s good to be different, that it takes all kinds to make the world go round, and that it takes hard work to be, well, as amazing as him, but that can’t strop me from wishing that I was the other twin.
And Jon, since I know you’re going to be reading this, I love you. I respect and admire you, but sometimes, I wish you were a little less perfect. I guess you maybe won’t completely understand, but I’m jealous of you. Not resentful, never resentful. I wish I didn’t compare myself to you. Or that comparing myself to you didn’t make me seem so pathetic in my eyes.
I guess the question I’m asking is: am I the only one who thinks this? Or are there other twins out there who wish they were like their other?
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bygraceiam's picture



Hello dreamcatcher.....God bless you....


God has made you an individual , unique person....be yourself . ...yep I am proud of my brother and I am proud of me....be you, dream...this is what life is all about ...


Blessings upon your individual journey dream.....



Dreamcatcher's picture



thank you.

eyesgluedshut's picture



Dreamcatcher; I am not a twin so I can not relate to you on that level, which means I can not answer your final question in this blog. But what I can tell you, and this is something I believe in very strongly...whether you seem to be "lesser" than another does not matter in this world. Every life has value, and every life has a purpose that no other can fufill. Although it is hard to not compare, especially with someone you are so close to ... just work on accepting yourself for your talents, rather than degrading yourself for your brothers.

And 85% is pretty dang good anyways. Just saying... =)

Keep smiling =)



Dogfac3's picture



Damn, this site totally Rocks. Hey gurl god bless you!