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Paint Your Faith Vancouver

Paint Your Faith | April 21-28, 2010
At the corner of W. Hastings & Abbott, Vancouver

Paint Your Faith is a remarkable project in which four celebrated artists are interpreting what faith means to them. We would love to know if any of their visions match yours.

Paint Your Faith Vancouver brings together the top urban artists from Brazil, Canada, Italy, and South Africa to collaborate on a mural expressing what faith means to them - creating a public dialogue about how spirituality and street art can transform lives and change communities.

This edition of Paint Your Faith features the artists Faith47 (South Africa), Indigo (Canada), TitiFreak (Brazil), and Peeta (Italy).

We invite you to join us at the following events:

April 21-28 - Mural painting, W. Hastings & Abbott
April 24 - Gallery Opening: Ayden Gallery, 88 West Pender St. (2nd fl.), 4-6 p.m.
April 28 - Mural completed. Press Event (t.b.a.)

May 1 - Youth Art Event, Ayden Gallery, 1-5 p.m.

Led by WonderCafe.ca, Paint Your Faith is part of The United Church of Canada's ongoing work to be a gathering place for people to share their expressions of life, faith, and spirituality. Paint Your Faith began as a bold new initiative to bring street art into that dialogue. Paint Your Faith Vancouver follows on the success of the original Paint Your Faith event in Toronto on September 19, 2009.

To learn more, visit the new website at PaintYourFaith.com.

Paint Your Faith Vancouver is brought to you by First United Church Mission, WonderCafe.ca, and the people of The United Church of Canada.

(Emerging Spirit has postcards for churches in the Vancouver area to use to promote this event. Please contact Emerging Spirit if interested.)

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