Evelynne's picture



Feeling Closer to Jesus

Faith in Jesus. Faith in what he symbolizes: eternal life, and the forgiveness of sins. Faith in our ability to emulate his character: kind, gentle, humble, meek. Always willing to help a soul in need. At home among the poorest, the most destitute. And faith that he really lived, that he was flesh and blood upon the earth, that he lived a human life and understands human pain and human weakness. This is the foundation of my faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the man. But sometimes, I wish I could think of Jesus as my friend. I know his love. But its love almost in an abstract sense, like you know the aunt that never comes to see you but always sends a lovely card on your birthday loves you. Its not the kind of love that puts arms around you and hugs you when you cry, wipes tears from your face when you're down. I feel guilty for feeling this way, like I'm doing something wrong. I know this is utterly silly, but its true.

Maybe I'm making things too complicated. After all, is it not Jesus, the spirit of Jesus, when a mother puts her arms around her daughter and comforts her sore spirit? Isn't Jesus in the way you can look at a sunrise and feel the greatest, soaring joy at simply being alive? You see, I know these things contain the essence of God and the spirit, but I long for a corporeal Jesus, a real flesh and blood feeling to touch me.

And this concludes my ramblings for the night :)

How does everybody else feel? What do you do to feel closer to Jesus?

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bygraceiam's picture



Hello evelynne......God bless you.....


The first step in knowing Jesus I believe is to become His character...His Attributes...it is easy for us to say we are patient, forgiving, peace, love, gentle, kind all Loving...do you love others in your life..like the love of Jesus in 1 Corth..13...this is not an easy Love and we must work on being this love...I put the love chapter on my frigde and when I feel I am not being a loving person, refer back to this ...love like this is hard...putting others first in your life and letting self go is another one of the steps to feeling the Love of Christ...


Sacrifice like this is a full time job, a life style you practice everyday...if you are actully being this kind of love ..you are always giving to others first...one day at a time...it takes practise...but the Love chapters are the Real Love of God and if you are not being this love, patient, kind, all giving, not keeping track of others wrongs, always forgiving in all circumstances...this is the love of God and when you have it upon you , you will feel it .....but it is by giving all to others that this peace, love, joy, healing comes upon us...hard work ....prayers are a great way to help us get over self and give and share with others...I believe this is what it takes disipline to Walk with Jesus is to Be Like Jesus Christ...


Like being a piece of clay always in the works being molded by the Love of God ...giving the Love of God ...all the time...24/7....Praise the Lord for His Great Sacificial Love .....God so loved the world that He 'Gave" His only begotton Son...


IJL: bygraceiam...

Evelynne's picture



hey there grace,

Thanks so much for your thoughts... I definitely agree with the things you said. To become like Jesus is a sacrifice and a great journey, one that feels a little hard sometimes

Your post gave me lots to think about :)

God Bless You

Crusader's picture



Yes Evelynne, Jesus is the one true saviour and Son of God.  We emulate him as you strive to do.  But he is not a dictator or boss or somebody to cringe from.  He already knows you, loves you, is in you, a part of you.  He IS our friend.  Our relationship with him can be so casual, as long as we try to do right and obey, he is like a pal with or within us.  It's no mystery how to behave, the guidelines are in the Bible, to put it plainly and simply.  If we submit, we are happy.  We are not robots or zombies as some say, but thinking, rational humans, enlightened.  Resistance causes our pain and problems, more often than not.  It is a Joy to serve and be one with God, his Son and the Holy Spirit, and still be "you" or ourselves to the fullest extent.

Faerenach's picture



I guess I just see a bit of Jesus in my friends, my family and my boyfriend.  They're definitely trying to love me as much as Jesus does, and it gives me something solid to hold on to.  That's why they're there, right?  Just as I'd want to do the same for them.