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He was a little boy; just like any other boy in the vast world.The one extraordinary thing about him was a strange dream that he was waiting to do one day; as soon as the virgina creeper, which had been climbing the marvelous stony walls of the church, reached the cross on the top of the dome.
He often came to the church yard to watch the plant growing up closely, and enjoyed the plash of water of a bird washing in a nearby stream or a squirrel's light movement on the branches of tremendous oak trees. He used to read the grave stones to hide an ecstasy that his dream plant was creeping up with steady progress and determination.
A priest always watched the boy from a window and wondered," what was the boy doing and thinking of?" However, he never bothered him nor allowed him to notice that somebody was watching him. He would put a chair by the window and watch the boy reading the grave's stones or talking to plants in the garden or when he was only sitting in profound silence watching the church. The priest would only smile unable to understand the boy's motivations beyond these routine visits to the yard.
one day, the boy noticed that the next day would be the day he waited for long. the plant was almost there on top and about to hug the cross to hold earnestly for fears of falling down from the heights it reached. the boy was taken by the plant's craft.happily he ran home with with great plans and hopes for the next day. he was jumping and screaming of joy that the priest was astound and in discernment of the boy's behavior.
early the next day the boy came into the yard breathless, because he had been running all the way in a restless rush to fulfill what he had planned long time ago, but to his great bewilderment, the creeper wasn't the same as he had left yesterday; the gardener had lopped most of its high branches and she looked as a short and young sophisticated plant. Filled with chagrin; He just turned round and ran away screaming and moaning, and the priest never saw him again in the yard.
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