Mendalla's picture



Think of a River

Think of water

Falling as rain

Bubbling up from springs

Running down as streams and creeks

Until they meet in the larger flow of a river.


Think of a River;

Water flowing;

Carrying silt and debris

From all the places it has touched.

From all the streams and creeks that have fed it


Think of the ocean

Receiving the water and all that it carries

From all the rivers

From all the streams

From all the waters


Now think of life

We begin as springs

Bubbling up from the wells of family

Our lives flowing like streams

Though the fields and hills of community

Picking up bit and pieces

Of memory

Of knowledge

Of relationship and connection


Now think of the river of life

Where the streams of all lives meet

Where the bits and debris of all lives

All the memories

All the knowledge

All the Love

Come together

And flow on to their end


Now think of the Ocean of Existence

Where it all ends

Where it all comes together

A mix of all the lives

Of all the people

Of all that exists

And then the water evaporates

And falls as rain

So that new streams

Of new lives



Think of a River

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Mendalla's picture



To be used in a service on Water (titled is "Wade in the Water" after the spiritual) on February 26 and followed by:






Elanorgold's picture



That's beautiful Mendalla, very inspiring. I totally like your choice of song too. : )  Way to go!