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Mission and Service


Minutes for Mission - September 1: Visits from the Chaplain


United Church chaplains work in hospitals across Canada. The Rev. Fran Ota serves on the board of Humber Chaplaincy Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador. Hear her story of our church’s mission and service through this essential ministry.

In hospital chaplaincy, care takes many forms. The United Church chaplain at Western Memorial Regional Hospital offers emergency pastoral care to intensive care units, gives pastoral care to patients from United Churches outside Corner Brook, visits those in the long-term care facility, leads chapel services, drafts on-call schedules for area clergy, and works ecumenically with other chaplains.

Before she retired as chaplain at Western Memorial, Marilyn Avery said, “Ongoing chaplaincy is a critical part of our ministry, particularly in this part of the country, which is so widely spread and often isolated. My heart hurts when I walk with people to operating rooms, or sit with them when there is a suicide, or visit palliative or long-term care. Yet even as the heart hurts, it is a profound privilege to be with people whenever needed and when their own clergy cannot come such distances.”

Hospital chaplaincy is a vital part of the church’s presence in western Newfoundland and Labrador. Through our mission and service gifts, we make connections and provide care for those who are sick and in crisis.


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