Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Lights out

Our little family hadn’t yet finished eating dinner last Saturday when Earth Hour arrived, so we turned off the electric lights. As candlelight softened faces, the conversation hardened. It was difficult and painful to contemplate some of the questions raised by the week’s headlines. Weakening ecological health. Deepening distrust in the church. Tensions between those for whom the church embodies a community of hope and those for whom it represents the weight of oppression.

On Good Friday, another Light will go out. Again, we will feel a depth of anguish.
As on last Saturday, though, no matter how hard it gets we will remain at the table together. We will listen to one another’s pain and one another’s hope, and we will help one another figure out where we go from here.
When a new Light shines on Sunday, the way of love will, we pray, become clearer.
What are the hardest questions for you during this Holy Week?

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Don Smith's picture

Don Smith


The hardest question we face today is one faced by the followers of Jesus at Easter:


In the midst of crisis, do you flee and save yourself or do we form a community and together do the work we must do.


The Great Work of our time, according to Thomas Berry, is to re-invent the human and create a more sustainable, just and fulfilling future for the entire Earth Community. Frightened individuals cannot do this - inspired community can do the impossible.




Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Beautiful and true words, Don. Thank you!