Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Where is God in this crisis?


As we witness unimaginable pain and suffering in Haiti, we join with others crying this question and, through our tears, we hear an answer. God is in the most painful moments, the most painful places, weeping with every child, with every mother and father, with every person suffering through this tragedy.

I recently heard Barbara Rossing of the Lutheran World Federation speak about how we need to reconsider the so-called "woes" of Revelation. These are not God’s curse but rather God’s lament. God laments for the earth’s pain; God laments for the earth's poor and struggling; God laments over suffering today in Haiti.

God loves the whole earth as much as God loves every child in Haiti today. It's an enormous love - one which we know through Christ and which we do our best to reflect through our prayers and actions. Please join me in supporting relief and reconstruction efforts. To join in the response of people of The United Church of Canada, as we work in partnership with those on the ground in Haiti today, watch for updates on The United Church of Canada website.

Individuals are invited to contribute to the United Church’s Haiti Appeal either through their local congregation or directly to The United Church of Canada’s national office, 3250 Bloor St. West, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4. Cheques should be made payable to The United Church of Canada and marked "Haiti Appeal." Online donations can be made on the Make a Donation page. Choose "Emergency Response" and specify "Haiti Appeal."

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Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Alan Hall just emailed me this insightful comment and moving prayer, and has given me permission to share here:

Rossing has been very articulate around rethinking apocalyptic Christian theologies, particularly related to environmental degradation.

To see any grace of human spirit in the midst of this horror, and to be sure, there will much of it, is to see the divine presence, no? The line of prayer I wrote yesterday was "May threads of grace insinuate into and through the chaos and rubble. God present. Life bound."


Papa the Pastor's picture

Papa the Pastor


 Where do I find the poem?

InannaWhimsey's picture



G_d is in the actions of each and every Believer who continue to practice agape, no matter how uncomfortable, or anxious, or tired, or sad, or angry, or depressed, or happy, or contented, or in pain, or enlightened.  Who continue to practice agape with the world, getting involved, getting dirty, being in relationship with the world and everything in it.


So keep on practicing Agape and G_d lives!


Just a Self-writing poem,


Pinga's picture



God laments,....both the loss of life and livelihood of the people of Haiti, but, also the injustices which have occurred time & time again, to a people.


If only it were so simple, as a hurricane or an earthquake...and chaos, instead it is buried in global political systems and powers that date back generations.


Haiti was poor before the earthquake and had problematic systems....and those systems are not going to improve just coz we have a telethon or a bake sale.


i wonder how haiti will be in 10 years...