Rendez-vous2011's picture



Another Youth Conference?? *moan*

Why, in the midst of shrinking budgets, concern with direction, concern with leadership, concern with our ethos... why are we planning a big mega-conference for 1000 participants? Why are we tying up so much of our resources, using every last volunteer we can think of, bringing in big name speakers, renting an expensive concert hall?

Of course, these are the kinds of questions we've been asked a lot over the last year. "Why plan for 1000 people? That'll never happen, you should aim for 500..."

That's one of my favourites.

It's my conviction that the youth of this church will be its salvation. Youth ministry has the potential to be the key ministry to the rest of the church, that will settle our mission focus, that will develop the leaders we need, that will re-connect our passionate spirituality with our thirst for just living for all people. Do I believe a conference can accomplish this? No... but I believe the encounters that will happen at Rendez-Vous, with hundreds of like-minded young people will create an energy that we can't even imagine.

A vision can be a difficult thing to communicate. Support for something this big has been difficult to achieve in some areas. The real support that is needed is for congregations to be sending their young representatives to this gathering. I believe in the generosity of the UCC faithful, and I hope they can see the benefits that will be returned through the encouragement and support they can provide.

I think it's a rite of passage for young people to leave the comfort of their home environment in order to test what they really believe and what direction they want their lives to take. When I was younger, it was exactly this kind of event that made me realize I was going to be living a life based on God's desires for me. Did I know what shape that was? No... but I developed the faith and trust to listen to where I was being called and following, often not certain of where I was going. And that path has led to rendez-vous after rendez-vous, with individuals and communities who have enriched my life, as have I theirs.

So I hope and pray that the UCC can be at its best and see this event not for what appears on the surface, but for the greater purpose that it may serve: the rejuvenation and celebration of the United Church of Canada.


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RevJamesMurray's picture



The bigger question is why the UCC is organizing a conference when a grassroots conference CanLead Forum in London Conference is already covering the same topics. The UCC should stop trying to protect its territory at the General Council level and truly start supporting the emerging ministry which is already happening at the grass roots.

Rendez-vous2011's picture



CanLead is a forum for leaders of youth and young adults. Youth are not invited to participate.

Rendez-Vous is a completely different sort of gathering. It will be a place for the emerging ministry which is happening at the grass-roots to be profiled and shared with youth and young adults who aren't experiencing the emerging church movement and need to hear those stories.