RevLindsayKing's picture



The Philosophy, Science and Art of Religions

On February 2, 2007, using the user-name 'turner'--my son's name and wife's family name--I posted a thread at in which I raised the question: What is your philosophy of religion, including atheism? As of today this thread has received over 710, 000 views.

Obviously, on the Web there is much interest in the discussion of religion and all that the topic implies.


Keep in mind that this is a Science Forum, which  has a section titled: NOT-QUITE-SCIENCE, which attracts a lot of the traffic. Participants are usually, but not always, polite. Quite a few choose to be anonymous. By their tone, I suspect many are anons who are fundamentalists, or at least very conservative. They tend to come, give readers "the truth" and then go. Those who register and stay give very little evidence that they practice, or are actively involved in, any religion.  Interestingly, Several, obviously with a science education, have been very supportive of my being there. Their names appear in the science section. As far as I can discern I am the only one with a clergy, church and Bible background. Failure to take the opportunity to  communicate in this way disappoints me.  


There is one poster who is a strong advocate of an opaque kind of Buddhist-based "mysticism". Others mentioned this before I did. He/she is a very verbose know-it-all who loves to taunt others, and infer that only he/she is "enlightened".  He/she refuses to set up a personal thread and to reveal his/her personal motives.


Included are a variety of theists, deists, agnostics, atheists and people who are just plain curious. I write as a unitheist, which for many reasons, including its non-doctrinaire and science-based nature has aroused a lot of curiosity. It is an open-ended kind of theology, which makes no claim to being infallible and about which I will say more later.

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Arminius's picture



Hi RevKing:


I like your title: Philosophy, Science, and Art. Yes that's what Religion is: all three! A different sort of a Holy Trinty, eh?


A religion that is not scientifically plausible simply is not valid in our day and age.


Science-based philosophy is easily compatible with spiritual philosophy.


Because we are dealing with GØD as a zero entity in an ineffable state of synthesis, which we truthfully experience but can't define with absolute truthfulness, we have to resort to artistic expression when expressing our experience of the reality which is GØD.


Keep up the GØD WORK, RevKing!

RevLindsayKing's picture



Thanks for your comment, Arminius.

Check out today's National Post (Canada)

On the front page of today's paper there is a story by
Katie Rook: Second Chances: When people cheat death.


Kathie Rook tells the story of Pam Reynolds. Seventeen years ago, while having major surgery to rid her of a brain aneurism, Pam was declared clinically dead for an hour. Her vivid account of leaving her body is fortifying the hypothesis of scientists, with the International Human consciousness Project, who this year will begin a study that uses neuroscience to try and explain what happens in the brains of to those who cheat death.

Until now this is an area which has been the domain of theologians. Interestingly, Pam Reynolds, as part of what is now acknowledged to be one of the most thoroughly known accounts, reported that in her out-of-the-body state she actually experienced the presence of her late uncle. She reports that it was he who pushed her back into her body as she lay on the operating table.
Kathie Rook reports that the scientists involved told her that they are not religious, but are interested in understanding how come there is a sense of self, consciousness, "even though  the brain is not functioning any more."
"I am not a religious person," said Mario Beauregard, a Montreal-based scientist involved in the project.
By the way, whenever anyone tells me: "I am not religious, you know!" I always ask:
"What do you mean by, "not religious"? Do you mean that you are an immoral and unethical person and not to be trusted? That you have no care for the way you live your life?" If so, why should I trust you as a scientist?
When I ask such questions, what I usually hear back is this: "In order for me, or anyone, to be a moral, ethical and loving person I do not feel or believe that I have to be a formal member of any organized religion--Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, whatever. I can live the life of a decent, loving and humane being without having to be a church-attending, Bible-believing--Koran-believing, whatever--and a doctrinally-pure ritualist."
They are usually surprised when I say: "You will get no judgment from me. I agree with you. We must not be so heavenly-minded that we are no earthly good. Meanwhile, let us agree to disagree, agreeably!"
This being said, let us pause and explore what it means to be a truly humane and spiritual being. This bring us to:
PNEUMATOLOGY--the study of the spirit
Be the above as it may, this brings me to something  which has been of interest to me since--and even before--I began serious studies in philosophy, psychology, theology and religion in 1947, at I was 17.  Studies continued at the Atlantic School of Theology. After a stint in Labrador, I did postgraduate studies at Boston University (1954-1955)
Later, in the 1960's, I stumbled, literally, on pneumatology--I even concocted the word before I found that it was already in the dictionary. World Book Dictionary defines it as an archaic term for psychology.
Beginning in 1965,  I began to use it as the over-all title of a series of lectures, which I continued to give to the end of my pastoral ministry in 1994. In re-directment--a term I prefer to 'retirement'--I still use the principles in a number of ways. 
As a pneumatologist I advocated, and still advocate, the integration of body, mind and spirit (soma, psyche and pneuma). I also advocated that the spirit (pneuma) needed to be researched in tandem with soma (somatololgy) and psyche (psychology). With the help of the media, especially Allen Spraggett, then religion editor of the Toronto Star, I also got to meet some of the now forgotten modern pioneers--there were others before them--in the field. 
Therefore, I am very pleased and happy that there are, now, several modern researchers who are interested in going beyond psychology and into pneumatolgy--the gateway to divine being.


In another forum, a group of us are working on REDIFINING GOD. One participant asked:"One question in my mind is, does god also exist apart from, or transcendent from, the natural universe?"


Keep in mind that the following is strictly my opinion and is offered without any intention of being doctrinaire:



Rather than use the noun 'God', found and defined in our dictionaries, I prefer to use the acronym, GOD--all Goodness, all Order and Desirable things.

GOD is that which is without borders, dimensions, whatever. There is nothing, including that which appears to be evil, that ISN'T god.

Check out John 4: 7-30--the story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman--where Jesus defines God as "Spirit". The Greek for Spirit is 'pneuma'--which literally means air, wind, breath. In Jesus day air was a thing of great mystery, not unlike what we have in mind, today, when we think about the vacuum of infinite space into which the universe is expanding.



In John 3--the story of Nicodemus--Jesus equates 'pneuma' (Spirit) with coming to conscious awareness of self--being born again, enlightened, raised to consciousness, inspired. As a GOD-filled person himself (Son of GOD) he called all, male and female, willing to listen, to be at one with him. See John 17-20-25.


Us? We are in the Spirit; that is, in the process of becoming who we really are--at one with GOD, in  the Now, in the Presence.

Arminius's picture



Hi RevKing: I had several near-death experiences myself, that took me to the edge of death, but never beyond, as the person in the above anecdote. Nevertheless, even at the threshold of death, I caught a glimpse of the "beyond," and my life has changed. I have not been afraid of death since.


Of course, God is not a noun but the Creative Spirit of the Cosmos, which is in us, and all around us, and yearns for us to become aware of IT.




RevLindsayKing's picture



And, Arminius, may I add: If, in our pride, we refuse to acknowledge our oneness with all that is,  to make the simple choice to be consciously aware of who we really are--one with Infinite Being--we will ever remain victims of the ego, the root cause of all evil, pain and suffering. The proper role of ego is as servant. When we allow ego to be our master it will be the source of the evil we do to ourselves and others.


Perhaps your are already aware of the writings of Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now & A New Earth--Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.


In these and his talks, over and over again Tolle makes the point that just saying our prayers and asking a god, separate and apart from us, to "deliver us from evil" obviously does not work. The way Christians, Jews , Muslims, and others kill each other demonstrates this.  Prayers help, but not on their own. Neither does  positive thinking, on its own. By such means alone we will go on being trapped in the ego, which, I repeat is the source of all the pain, suffering and evil we pray to be delivered from.


The solution?


We need to learn how to dissolve the ego by making the following three simple choices--not unlike twelve steps advocated by all the leaders of the twelve-steps programs known as AA: 


1. Let us choose to be self-aware and in the now;


2. to surrender this self to all that is, to all Being;


3. to tune into, connect with all Being, all Presence, whenever we feel uneasy, regardless of how we feel, physically, mentally and spiritually. As spirit-like beings (pneumas) we can step back and observe what is going one in our painful bodies (somas) noisy minds (psyches),  including our sad and unhappy thoughts and feelings. This has a healing effect. Try it for twenty-one days or less and you will get results.



BTW, it is OK to call this power God, Allah, The Lord, Father, GOD, G-d, Christ, Messiah, Adonai, Krishna, the Higher Power, The Tao, Nature, The Word, IT, Love, whatever, but you don't have to.


Regardless of what we call IT, the miracle of having peace of mind will be the result of making these three choices. Media: SPREAD THE WORD.


Check out ET:

See video



Arminius's picture



Yes, RevKing, I have read both Tolle books, and even got a Tolle CD for Christmas, which I haven't listened to yet.


And yes, the ego needs to be in service of our greater, divine and godly self: the oneness of being.


Paradoxically, this "egolessness" leads to ultimate ego satisfaction, to inner and outer peace.




bygraceiam's picture



Hello RevKing......God bless you..... this the reason we cannot ever be sin free in this this what you believe ...if so...then how can we get to the point where we end the ego side of us ..


Ego...part of the consious mind asserting the self  or individual...I assume you are talking about the bad side of ourselves, selfishness, hatred, racism, greed, torment, hurting others to have the satisfaction of building up ones self...


I believer this side of the ego is taught to us by our parents or guardians...who were in charge of us during our growing years...when we seek God is the One that teaches us through the Holy Spirit the Right way of Living ....which of course is Love for God is Love....but if this is true that it is ego and we can get control of our ego's to the point we are good individuals as God wants us to be ..Love....then how come we cannot get rid of sin altogether....but the Lord says we always will sin ..until we reach the other side of the journey....


Is the ego responsible for the  continueing  sin even thought we know as servants to the One God  we must renew our minds to the point of no no sin possible in this life time??


Is our objective in following God to continue to work on ourselves to become the Love God wants us to be....or will the ego always continue to go against the renewing of our minds or is this a train process we learned from living life...can it be brought under control with Enoch and Elijah where they were taking by rapture for being rightous in the eyes of might sound like a stupid question but can we get to  that point of conquering the ego part of ourselves...





RevLindsayKing's picture



bygraceiam asks, " this the reason we cannot ever be sin free in this this what you believe ...if so...then how can we get to the point where we end the ego side of us ..."?


bygraceiam, May I ask you to be my confessor?


If so, allow me to confess to you: You are talking to one who, for decades, has played the role of being a BIG ego. In many ways, I still am a BIG ego. However, with the help of Tolle's ideas, I am working on it.



Without judging the ego, itself, as being evil, it is my opinion that the ego can, if we direct it, be a good servant. If we allow it to master us, it can be the source of much suffering and pain. The choice is ours.


THE POWER OF THE EGO--the source personal pain, suffering, including war and terrorism.


For better or for worse, we have the power to choose to do that which is good, or evil. Honest mistakes are always forgiveable.  But consciously choosing to do that which is evil is sin. To deal with sin requires conscious repentance--changing of the mind--and on-going attention.

RevLindsayKing's picture



Arminius wrote:

Hi RevKing:

 I like your title: Philosophy, Science, and Art. Yes that's what Religion is: all three! A different sort of a Holy Trinty, eh? ...

I think it was Will R. Durant (Canadian background) who said that,  "all science begins as a philosophy and ends as an art."

WaterBuoy's picture



Rev. King,

I like the way you word things about this matter of science, philosophy and theology, and you have had some powerful support from contributers that I have great respect for. Even the contrary comments to such expressions of "the infinite" have something for us to learn about.

How many people are conscious that the Roman idealism had no perception of infinite or nothing? Zilch is a concept out of the wilderness of Aram ... home of the essential hot winds that drive the whole process? Water is needed to grow a roues ... a rule of mind!

In the story-telling legend (a code?) there are some odd connections to the fluidity of languages that some feel are a fixed image. It is little wonder that water takes on an old symbol for the medium of the mind ... no matter how crappy (chitty chitty bang bang) it may be. From this variability comes the concern over ID and Ego. In general use the ego seems to be used as a sense of desire ... whereas in older terms, ID is defined as the primal desire ... the motivation "to be". I get a grand sense of humour out of the shadow persona of Tobias ... the bias of existentialism as idealism. The metaphysical thought does not exist ... OK ... I can accept that ID thrives in another dimension separate from the physical being. Shadow of Isaiah 60 in this past Sunday's sermon?

Are we confused about Ego, awareness, light ... ontology by some authorities that state rigid laws without knowing that even basalt flows under conditions of great heat and pressure. This is a rheid in terms of earth science ... geology. It is s funny metaphore for a cane, reid, or bullrush along the nihlistic rush of mankind's thought patterns. In the expression of Jack Nicholson ... Something Has To Give! Is that a hint for a needed change in thinking or caring or would some sophistry do as egalitarian justice in place of a democracy that seems to be a complete lie?

I have powerful discussions with my counterparts around the continent from different religious variants on the nature of the darkness, or Nirvana. Of course the nature of light (Isaiah, Joshua, Jesu) and all such metaphors is endlessly counterpoint. One says that the darkness is lack of thought, another says that it is the lack of desire. Did creation form a variable garden? Such thoughts twist some forms of mind (sole) completely out of shape .. like a hot pneumonic? Could that be converted to a mnemonic ... a basis for an aware thought?

When one gets to a certain knowledge of the creature within and harmony with that sole of desire ... does fear dissapate and the hard (difficult) mind float with a certain humour about the oddness of physical creation ... an art form?

It seems there needs to be a sense of balance between the ID and the Ego forming something of a higher tier ... but humans do detest change. How will we ever float that one?

From a friend in an amourphus state of laughter about learning with great caution about damaging the significant other. Now if the shadow of mankind could only become aware of what the other happens Toby!

I wonder by chance did anyone see the NGS a few nights ago on stress and it long term effect on the cumulative mind of humanity and all of the environment. It was an excellent article that went hand in hand with the CBC presentation of the Plastic Mind and the concepts contained in Why God Won't Go Away and The Spiritual Brain (Beauregrad & O'Leary). But if a person cannot accept the dual nature of light, electricity and other weird forms of energy (like mass, Maas) how could they accept the self awareness of a creature like a collective sole (singular mind)? Tis a funny thing Finnegan ... No! The passing does leave a confusing wake ... like that famous ship of Ahab ... chasing a monster!

Then if religion restricts a person from looking over the edge (shiyr in Hebrew has interesting connotations of a far reaching soul) ... how could one form a vision of what could be ... in the non-existential imagination? Would that limit something?

I hope that floats a paris (pair) of thought and cares as aphorism that will flow in peace,


Arminius's picture



Yes, Randy, the Romans knew neither the philosophical nor the mathematical nor the spiritual concept of Zero, and this ignorance continued on into the Roman state religion, a.k.a. Christianity. Now, that the veil of ignorance is beginning to lift, we see that God is the Cosmic Zero: nothing—and everything.


Where is the summer, the unimaginable

Zero summer?


-T.S. Eliot



RevLindsayKing's picture



As you are well aware, Arminius, when thinking in terms of philosophy, science and art, I like using the symbol, 'GØD' .

The use of the null--that is, the Ø, the set [ . ] without numbers, 1/0--indicates that all that is imaginable is possible. As Jesus said, "With God all things are possible."


Arminius's picture



Yes, RevKing, I'm well aware of that—infinite possibilities!

RevLindsayKing's picture



Arminius, talking about "infinite possibilities" let us look at:

THE MAJOR THEOLOGIES--there are numersous theologies. Here we will mention a few.


Perhaps, in the beginning, all our ancestors were polytheists.



HENOTHEISM--there are many gods, but ours is number one. Moses was a henotheist.


DEISM. How deists see themselves--which they have every right to do:

Apparently, deists love and worship nature. They admire the power we human beings have as reasoning beings. Should we fault them for this? I do not think so, as long as they are open to questions and willing to dialogue.

How others see deists:






Latin Deus



The term used to denote certain doctrines apparent in a tendency of thought and criticism that manifested itself principally in England towards the latter end of the seventeenth century.


The doctrines and tendency of deism were, however, by no means entirely confined to England, nor to the seventy years or so during which most of the deistical productions were given to the world; for a similar spirit of criticism aimed at the nature and content of traditional religious beliefs, and the substitution for them of a rationalistic naturalism has frequently appeared in the course of religious thought.


Thus there have been French and German deists as well as English; while Pagan, Jewish, or Moslem deists might be found as well as Christian.


Because of the individualistic standpoint of independent criticism which they adopt, it is difficult, if not impossible, to class together the representative writers who contributed to the literature of English deism as forming any one definite school, or to group together the positive teachings contained in their writings as any one systematic expression of a concordant philosophy.


The deists were what nowadays would be called freethinkers, a name, indeed, by which they were not infrequently known; and they can only be classed together wholly in the main attitude that they adopted, viz. in agreeing to cast off the trammels of authoritative religious teaching in favour of a free and purely rationalistic



Generally defined.



I think of myself as a unitheist.


similar to the above. Also, take a look at:


OPEN THEISM--this is interesting.

RevLGKing's picture



THE SACRED AND THE SECULAR--building bridges between them.



For some time now I have been thinking about the following  question: Isn't it about time we built a bridge over the troubled waters between the sacred and the secular? Let's accept the fact that both have much in common and are valid ways seeing and living within reality. 


Does anyone know: Is there already a thread in WonderCafe on this special theme? If not, perhaps I should start one.


WaterBuoy's picture



Gophur IT, Revrend King!

RevLGKing's picture



OK! I will.

RevLindsayKing's picture



THE SACRED AND THE SECULAR--building bridges between them.



I write about it here:


By the way, my thread on


Philosophy of religion--all religions, including ...

now has over 4,800,000 hits.

WaterBuoy's picture



Could a hard man build bridges between one side and the other?


To a religious opersonthat would suggest change, ot evolution. We couldn't have that ins church or other form institution ... could we?


Is a bridge like a ford, or other "car" that in Celtic is a biere ... a carrier?


There could be eKos ... sort of a reflection in tongues ...

WaterBuoy's picture



Gael KISS or just a French BUSS .. well whetted ...

RevLindsayKing's picture



RevLindsayKing wrote:

THE SACRED AND THE SECULAR--building bridges between them.



I write about it here:


By the way, my thread on


Philosophy of religion--all religions, including ...

now has over 4,800,000 hits.

Just in the past few days, here are the numbers:i

Posts, 2005

Hits, 5, 016, 068


RevLindsayKing's picture



For other threads where I write, search RevLGKing & RevLindsay G. King.

One of my threads at now has over 5,180,000 hits


In sub-thread of the main one, I just responded to the question by a reader:

Where and Who is God?

Here is how I responded, recently. Take a look:

Yes, indeed. In the light of the above, where and who is "God"?

In the same light--and with respect to all forms of belief such as scepticism, theism, deism and the like--the process philosophy and theology of panentheistic thinkers like Alfred North Whitehead & Charles Hartshorne (see the link, below), and others, make sense to me.
It is no wonder Richard Dawkins, with his espousal of atheism, in his book, The GOD Delusion, struck a chord with many people.

Today, the count is over 5,180,000. Join in, tell others and invite them to join you in raise the issues that need to be addresses.


In this thread and others, don't be shy so join in. No matter what others think, let us offer our ideas--BIG and small--that we feel could help solve problems, especially our economic ones.



Did you read about the money-problems our American cousins are facing?


RevLindsayKing's picture



Accepting what I like to call a GÕD-like gift of space/time--one numbered 2013, as of Jan. 14, my 83rd year--may I suggest we begin this journey on spaceship Earth by being fair to atheists, by actually listening to what they have to say to us.


To begin, I quote from an e-mail I got from atheist Austine Cline about  Liberation Atheology, which  speaks for itself:


"Liberation Atheology: Criticism of Theism, God, Religion as False, Irrational

By , Guide

Why are so many atheists critical of religion and theism? Not all are, and in fact some atheists are religious themselves, but it is common -- especially among secular, naturalistic atheists in the West.
Atheists' reasons vary and include the belief that theism is wrong, irrational, and harmful, that religion has been a powerful force for violence and xenophobia in history, that secularism and liberation from theism and religion are necessary for social and political liberation generally, that supernatural beliefs retard social and scientific progress, and that supernatural religions have outlived their usefulness.
  1. What is Liberation Atheology?     "  For details, go to: