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Robert Gagnon


God's Gift to us (Christmas Message Dec 2009)

God’s Gift to us


Micah 5:1-5

Luke 1:46-56


How many of you love to receive gifts?  It’s always fun to open gifts on Christmas day.   Today I’m going to tell you about a gift that God gave us.


In today’s readings we see that God promised to send a gift to the people of Israel.  This gift was a Child, a king who would bring Peace to Jerusalem and Israel.  So God sent Jesus in order to save his people.  He then chose to use Mary as an instrument through which he would bring Jesus into the world.  


But God’s gift was bigger than the people expected and came in a way that the people didn’t expect.   He came as one of the poor, the mistreated in the world.  We know that he later says that he is there to preach the Gospel to the poor and to bring sight to the blind, to proclaim release to the captives , etc....  And Jesus went around for three years doing these things.  But this upset people and they didn’t like what Jesus said and did.  So they sent guards to arrest him and put him on trial.  They condemned him to die.  The thing they didn’t know was this was all part of God’s plan.  See what Jesus came to do was to bring peace, was to establish a kingdom.  But it was to establish the Kingdom of God in our lives.  It was to bring peace between God and man.  Jesus died so that our sins would be forgiven that we would have peace with God.  That was God’s gift to us.


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