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Recycle milk bags for Haiti

Want to keep plastic out of our landfills? Want to help people in need? Do I have a deal for you.

The colourful outer bags used to hold milk become quick-dry bed mats for medical patients in Haiti. By recycling a by-product of our milk purchases, instead of thoughtlessly tossing it in the garbage, we can give a small measure of comfort to hurting people who would otherwise sleep on the ground.

An Ontario-wide network of more than 70 small groups works together to make bed mats or tote bags out of the recycled milk bags. The groups collect the bags, cut them into strips and crochet them. They also run workshops to teach people the steps. 

There are several workshops planned in the coming weeks at locations throughout the Ottawa area.  To find out where and when, visit:

If, like me, you don't know which end of a crochet hook is up but still want to help, the website lists drop-off locations for the milk bags. You can help just by contributing.


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