Starboy's picture



My Belief

 Ok, for my first blog EVER on WonderCafe, I'll be telling the world about my beliefs. Start out big, eh?


Well, to start with, I do believe in God. Which I think is quite a statement for a teenager these days (see other blogs). Anyways, growing up in the church has caused me to ask myself during a worship service: "Is this really what I believe?" The answer had been "Yes, yes it is." until about a year ago. It was during a prayer, and the minister (my dad) was saying something to do with how God was watching us all from up above, and I stopped and said to myself "Is He really?" I'd just learned a lot about space, the solar system, and the immense size of the universe, and I wondered how God could care about an insignificant planet like Earth. Just a tiny speck in the galactic beauty we call space. 

That was when I decided that God was not a supreme being that ruled above in the heavens. For goodness sakes, the heavens are just layers of atmosphere that are held here by the Earth's gravitational field! But no, no, they are more than that, because we, the human race, have made them more than that. They are the dwelling place of God to us, right? Not literally, but in our minds, He is there. Maybe everyone knows that, but I had just realized it. 

God isn't a conscious thing. It's not a Him, its not a Her. It's not even both. We just say that so we can understand what God means to us. Humans, in my opinion, understand a sliver of God's identity, which is also the result of differing beliefs as well as God's immense being. And His being stems from us. We created Him, like it or not. Well, I shouldn't say that. He is a part of us, an underlying current of all the world. He's not magic or powerful, or even the ruler we like to think of Him as. What makes Him powerful is the faith that is set in Him, and what a big role He plays in the average human's life. 

An underlying current, that's how I like to think of Him. Always present, yet never controlling. He doesn't judge, not because of His loving nature, but because humans don't believe He judges. He listens, hears our prayers and desperate hopes and fears, but only because we believe He does. And that's human nature, we want to believe in something more, and I do believe. I do believe in something more, and that something is God.

It's not traditional belief, and I'm not sure about Heaven or Hell. But to me, God is what subtly shapes the world, not because He is the all-powerful creator, but because He is in each and every human, in all of us, and He is in each act of goodness, honour and hope. God changes the world through us, and He stands for the all the love and light in the world, and even though we can't see or touch Him, He is there.

But not above. 

Not below.

Not "everywhere."

Inside us. And we put Him everywhere with everything that we do.


So ends my first blog, thanks for reading!

- Jon

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Arminius's picture



Hi Starboy: I enjoyed your first blog.


Never too big! Might as well reach for the stars, eh?


Faerenach's picture



Starboy, what a great first blog!  It sounds like you are going to be a great contributor here, and a wise spokesperson for youth.  It's good to remind us that there are many new faces at the Cafe who are discovering ideas for the first time - some of us forget, and we like to quibble about little details.  I hold myself very guilty of this!


I hope you feel welcomed here, and please, share as much as you can with us!  We may not always comment, but we love reading.

WaterBuoy's picture



Does that sound like an infinite desire to fill the cosmos with ... a strange space (alien) for those that believe not in soul or spirit of the medium (mankind a medium?) ... a pair with infinite binding force ... Tiye in the ancient concept of Egyptian storm ... brainstorm?

Oz Sum!

Then there are those that believe only in the medium and yet say they hate idealisms, Gods and spirits ... light fabric of awareness ... it's the metaphysical portion that we cannot determine if it's physical or non-physical just that it exists in and around us and all things like an ID. ID is an interesting word in Webster ... a deep pool to draw from if you have the motivation ... an initial desire.


Nice opening, a wee fire to support, buoy the balance ...


I see it in the pool of my soul, it weeps strange thoughts at time in a world that seems to despise our kind of thinking as they prefer control in blind faith ... Dark Dead End Street? I'd like to know where I'm going ... the signs are all around us ... mostly hidden as suggested in Isaiah 7:11 ... convenient store of the mind ... perfect seven, Bath Sheba, dimensions of the soul/mind/psyche complex ... the physical side of time doesn't like us to use it ... leaves them in the lurch ... a hole in the fluid nature of GQD and infinite divide ... yah have to go, spend a lifetime on that one ... the cost of heaven, a higher tier of learning ... just for the love of knowing the divine not just the money or currency ... theo-Sophy ... divine knowledge. Deism states that you can reason on the infinite ... weird or common state? Depends on perspective ... whether you're positive in a generaly negative state, fill the sole with manna of space ... it floats ... like stardust ... sparks of ideas ... ethers?

Thoughts that many will deny without even a question ... ephemeral, fey, bewitching ghost of an idea! It befalls mankind to pick up on the remnants ... loose ends! When social order fails ... so does humanity and wipeout occurs ... pure love is destructive ... without a balancing thought ... often discouraged by churches and temples. They often expect a dummy to think for you ... blind leading the blind ... for alone we are essentually nothing without all that surrounds us. The some are blind to that fact and hold the ideal of conquer and destroy. Can we see the effects?


bygraceiam's picture



Hello starboy.....God bless you....


Welcome to wondercafe.....I hope you will enjoy it here....

Gods blessings upon your continued journey...



franota's picture



Starboy - amazing blog. Keep them coming. Even old people like me (and Arminius)  can learn something!!! Thanks in advance for all the wisdom you are going to bring us. (no pressure, of course.)


Cadence's picture



This is my first comment here. I was really moved by what starboy said because it sparked in my mind some of what has been bothering me lately.

I never considered myself to be a religious person. Until lately I felt like I have been a skeptic more than anything else. But it is like Starboy said, there is a current in everything that is hard to ignore. Or maybe we would rather believe that there is a certain connectivity to everything rahehr than face the other possibility: that our lives are meaningless and we are alone. I am terrified that that it is what it really is.

Music is a very important part of my life, and recently I joined a choir in an Anglican church in the city where I live. I was quite hesitant at first to join this choir; I didn't want to feel like an outsider, and yet I knew that I never would be able to understand these people's passionate assured faith of something I considered ridiculous. Eventually, I convinced myself to stay for the Mozart's Requiem more than anything else.

But attending church every Sunday morning, receiving a blessing (instead of taking communion), singing some of the most beautiful music I have sung, and listening (at first skeptically but now sympathetically) to to the sermon, I have become concerned with my lack of understanding of my own spirtuality. Yesterday (Sunday) in particular moved me to an interesting and yet painful place.

The reverend read a poem about loons on a lake who sing such beautiful, sacred and yet mournful songs. All of them die. The poet concludes the poem by saying that they died only so that we would open up our hearts wide and never stop letting the world into it.

Last night I couldn't get to sleep. All I could think about was all the time I have spent in my life passing things by with my heart closed. I want to pull my heart open and let it fill up with that current, which I have no other word for than God. But I need to make myself clear: I do not feel like this is the God that is described in the Christian faith, and there is no way, from what I know of the bible, that I would be "converted" to such a doctrine. I just thought it was a moving and disturbing experience, and i did not know who to share it with.



Starboy's picture



that's a beautiful story, cadence. blessings to you on your faith journey, and welcome to wondercafe! 

sitka's picture



Hi Starboy

Like you, I found this to be a good place. Your contribution on your beliefs is well done, comes from the heart and i enjoyed reading it. And, by the way, i went to your website and think your pictures are really!

shadiemaria's picture



Wow, that's a crazy awesome post.

I believe that God is an entity with many, many parts. See, the reason many people who are uneducated in the subject of religion think that Hindus and Buddhists worship animals is because they see God in everything. So they use certain animals to represent certain parts of God.

It's like...Christians, we use the dove as a symbol of peace in God. Other religions use the bull as a symbol of God's strength or endurance...the list could go on, but you probably get the idea.

Yeah, I don't think God has a space and time, because then He - or It - or whatever God is - would just be human, right? I think that God made everything, he is everything, and he is in everything.

I think that we, all together, make up God. And in us is God.

You know the holy trinity? Well, God the Father is the Creator. God the Son is Jesus (and that doesn't have to be specifically Jesus...any sort of person who is a prophet or who helps people get closer to the truth). God the Holy Spirit is the goodness within us.

Anyway, I'm blabbering on when this is your post...

I really enjoyed reading it :)

WaterBuoy's picture



Blabbering is acceptable when describing a secret love ... those who haven't encounterd such things are always destructively critical ... they have never learned the motivation of cultivating a positive thought ... follower of common sense .. an unknown emotion. The bible tells us to test all things (in other books too that we less understand that our book of chaotic change), especially doubts ... Like Christ light did to di-da-Maas ... we small piece of a sojourning mind ... twinned in creation ... Jinn anne "i"! Some spell that Gemi-nai in less gheistly projections of Levantine lift.