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Mission and Service


Minutes for Mission April 28 - Not Alone


“Solidarity? What is that? And how in the world do you build it?” As overseas personnel serving in Colombia, Matthew Heesing asked himself that. Listen now to his reflections on the answer.
When people ask me [why I am here in Colombia], I usually respond by saying that I’m here to build solidarity with the people and United Church partners of Colombia. But the phrase “build solidarity” seems to leave people with more questions than answers. And I understand why—it’s more of an abstract concept than a tangible response....
But now I realize that simply having someone stand with you can make all the difference in the world. And if you’ve ever been through an extremely rough time, or had someone close to you go through a life-shattering experience, you know what I mean. When you are going through a divorce, or have lost your job, or have had to say farewell to a loved one, or have been through any number of similar experiences...you don’t need someone with all the answers....
There is such a power in presence. In just being with someone, whether it means standing with them, or walking with them, or sitting with them in silence, or just being with them, sharing life. Presence is powerful. When I arrived at the office of CEPALC, my first full day in Colombia, I found a sign waiting for me in my office: “MATTHEW HEESING: Welcome to Colombia. Welcome to CEPALC. Thank you for your presence.”
I don’t for a moment pretend like I fully understand the complex realities of Colombia.... I can’t even fluently speak the language. But, many times in life, that’s not what is needed. Many times in life, what’s needed even more is presence. Someone standing with you, walking with you, being with you...helping you to know that you are not alone.
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