UnDefinitive's picture



What the oligarchs worry about the most ...

... in their undying addiction to power and control

  • Is an awakened, critical mind that sees through their lies and deception.
  • They shudder at the thought of the masses of the world actually waking up, and seeing their blatant theft and destruction for what it really is.
  • What they dread and fear the most is a worldwide grassroots movement of mindful human beings united in committed solidarity who refuse to play their game any longer.
  • As a collective power of world citizens acting together as one, as free-thinking individuals who vastly outnumber the 1%, we can make a difference.
  • To roll over and play dead, we are merely joining the ranks of the many already walking dead amongst us.
  • As individuals with minds of our own, we do have the power and strength to say enough is enough.
  • We just need to come together and exercise our collective free will and power.
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InannaWhimsey's picture


A Morality Tale: Emperor Norton 
He declared himself Emperor of the United States and got away with it. For the rest of his days, this penniless San Franciscan was recognized as America’s first and only Emperor. Mark Twain based “the King” in Huck Finn on the Emperor. 
The day after he died, the San Francisco Chronicle ran the event as its headline story. The accompanying article read, "On the reeking pavement, in the darkness of a moonless night under the dripping rain..., Norton I, by the grace of God, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, departed this life". 
When he died, his funeral was attended by over 100,000 people. 
He was America’s first and last Emperor… because he said he was. 
-- john wick