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Small Sparks in a Dark Mystery!

My but doesn't the other part of God hate for you to know, think and otherwise stir the jealousies in that eM Eire Auld Isle of Urs!

Whetted Mystery!
There are puzzles and there are enigmas, then there are there things called metaphors or aphorisms in which one thing is said, where another thing is meant. Is that el Leish lie‘n the beating of an eye? Such lashing could be the death of you, if love succeeds and strikes you dumb … əM-eta-phor for the grasping shiyr nature of the soul … gno ledge … Gnostic wisdom about the Mir differences between Angels and Dæmons. You simply must keep your thoughts about you, or the demon love will appropriate you soul, and the infinite will appropriate your heart in the process. Now how do you approach this journey in depths/debts of space? Is it better to do as some and simply consume what is presented without interest so that you can simply regurgitate it without thought, or does one doubt the old info, data, intelligence provided so you can question and provide wise comment for questioning? Wiz … that’s Leic’a (spiritual) wizard, amphibious creature that can skip across the water and realize it naturally forms a sphere … the flat out/left behinds are the wee bits (remnant) that need to learn more, they will be recycled, resurrected, what ever moving comment you would apply with interest … those that are truly tired and have no meaning will be lifted to heaven as elements of pure love, without thought, sleeping. You’ve heard of the nature of as’s malle mind; physical creature hates the larger space and the pits!
Those still actively useful will be buried in dirt … that’s reuse know-awe thought that has remained for near the span of time, close thou san’yom in old Hebrew myth! It is a metric of time … met head on in afore time! You don’t know what I am talking about? Perhaps you haven’t the interest to dig deep enough in the infinite dirt of dusty space of the sole entity … cos moe poe Li tanned space a vile age of Love without chilling thought, well-toasted … then there is the other side of the story, more abstract like crumbs off Plate eau … wee drips of sap from the Nicked əMus tree … homo sapien sapient, deuce with no end beyond, without, or outside man is the essence of the soul … ephemeral, fey, bewitching, without though but sure has exhibited an ability to support Mann’s parts, the hard point of life with stones in the forehead of loving cup … vial, a’ stein in a whorl’d chaos, where love is a joke and severely abused without a thought about the shady consequences … hole eh, elle, a dark place for phoqah’up, Pagan (faux cup) actions on the earth without a care. Mir image (mere-magï) of care without thought! Is one (sic) image of mother, and the other (sic) image of the father? Could a balanced persona able to put such opposites together a’b’d (דיבא) concept between the sheets of a story? Is that like a duality: an inscribed version of a verbose (truly confusing) story where the observer hasn’t been taught what it is all about? Perhaps the observer has trouble identifying the emotion in lien of sight without teaching; is that confusing angst about hateful whore, or the way to settle the struggle of wits … somebody has to get right into IĐ and settle her spirits, let her beware of the mysterious tug she feels on the heart strings exposed. Ides a hole eh patch in small bit of space! Bush eh chaos with a breeze, wind in the willow ‘n words small sects of amour fuss Ma’ađ?
A sign of God without some reflection, thought … now does one side consider themselves God and the other the daemon … the Luçy-ferro-us (unknown thoughts) light that guides them in the dark? Perhaps if they could put the whole thing together like patched in space they would dispatch a thought, float a concept. A precept is a thought alone without the confining nature required to try that new idea, thought of a new beginning. Have you left them Heire-at-age, time and space for new situations, or just desert waste? Now that has got to make the children wonder about the wisdom of the parental clause!
When one looks around with open eyes, does it look like the thoughts (brains, bra’ness) and emotive of this space have co joined adequately? Go figure! Perhaps we are still just children in the cosmos … a very large mind that is looking for an understanding assist to see where it can go. Understanding: would that place us in a position of buried thought in a very large admired space, something to Buddha’tin (bud doubt) about any predestined action without an angst of troubled and fluid waters … medium for floating a thought?
You thought water treatment was a simple perception! Now that’s a dualistic expression without a lick of salt … Magdalena Tower in heaven … ions of free radicals that can arrive in the underworld as heavy manna of thought … stuffing of the synaptic gap and we are often not aware of it in the doctoring of a desire hatched out of now where mons … just as’s welling in space, or is that wheeling, moë L Ai, one tight clam that La Dei overhead! Sensitive, easy killed, that heart of the universal expression in chaos if you don’t cultivate ID as a two-spirited entity, protected temporarily in the case, a lump of clay. Heaven preserve us if we can turn that tri-nit-Eire Annë silent chaos into a giggle in space … an entertaining daemon around the bend if you believe there’s any future atoll for your cast-offs. Hey Mann, you isolated deuce, can you find the part you’ve lost so beit heh’rtor-mind … yah have to get it together to accomplish the two spirited deuce around the corner. Yah have to make hymn laugh and dance … silence is terrible unless your maqon something of nothing and you know what nothing is? Yah better soon find out!
ə is the confusion of antes, what went on before. Some call the sign emmet, small thing, others ammon-IĐe like a busy mind, ness’T, will cause a burning desire to a void, w/o th’ aughts …
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Yes, I saw the United Church ad in the newspaper.  Right away, I thought, They are bankrupt creatively if they must rely on the atheistbus slogan: "There probably is no god.  Now stop worrying, and enjoy your life."  It's parasitical to cling to another's creativity.  I suppose the United Church brains are unable to devise their own slogan.  However, the positive view is that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  

What does the slogan mean?  My understanding is this: "Stop worrying" about Hell, a fictional place made up to scare children.  Unfortunately, it seems mature adults are unable or unwilling to shake off the nightmare of Hell.  "Enjoy your life" -- "Isn’t it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it?" (Dawkins)  Yes, since we have a few years on this planet, let's live them to the fullest possible, which includes, because we are sentient beings, striving for Truth by using logic, reason, and science to describe and understand the nature of the universe.  I can't see Truth coming from superstitious, dogmatic thinking with not a shred of supporting evidence.  A "belief" is not evidence of anything.

Here we are, in this world, this earth, with other suns and planets swirling around out there, and with trillions upon trillions of atoms comprising everything, including our skin, blood, and brain matter.  What is going on here?  Really.  I really want to know, and it is hard work to find out the nature of our existence.  Faith and beliefs, having no substance, are inadequate.  I feel satisfied when faced with results based on verifiable evidence.  Therefore, I strive to learn; I read and read and read: history, philosophy, biology, astronomy, physics, and good fiction.  Other media I use are audio books and documentary videos.  If you really want to learn what’s going on here on this tiny planet and beyond, you can’t sit back and rely on faith, you must dive into the wealth of substantial information out there. 

Like Sam Harris, I wish there was another word besides “atheist” to describe our position.  Atheist was coined by the church as a derogatory term for unbelievers, who were usually burned at the stake for questioning religious claims.  I rely on rational thought and reason, therefore, I can call myself a rationalist.  Other terms are humanist, secularist, and freethinker.  They’re all good words, but, basically, I think they mean “questioner.”  There is no word for someone who questions the validity of astrology -  there are no anti-astrologers.  People who question religion are simply asking for evidence to back up such extraordinary claims. 

I think the children’s story The Emperor’s New Clothes aptly describes religions.  The king and his followers parade through the streets wearing the invisible clothes of faith, belief, and dogma.  Everyone knows these clothes are actually imaginary, but are afraid (heresy, blasphemy) to speak up.  Finally, a child (rationalist) breaks out laughing, saying, “The emperor has no clothes!” 

Sure, millions, maybe billions of people on earth say they believe in a god, or follow a religion.  Bertrand Russell said, “Even if a billion people believe in a bad idea, it’s still a bad idea.” 

Anyways, that’s it for now.  I know the above views will be attacked and ridiculed by the religious faithful.   All I ask of them is to supply logic, reason, and evidence to back up their claims. 

