John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


"Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,

And in the right way...Is very hard, and in WC invisable. Strange. And probably Uniteresting. 

Christian rudeness. My first experience in witnessing it.

Not that it really matters to me, for I think we all have secrets that we never share...

(Pzzzzzt! There are rare moments when I am NOT happy, and, even far more rare, times when I am not a genius!)

revjohn's picture



Bumper Crops and other things that are reaped.

 Hi Gang,


The principle of sowing and reaping is one which I think all of us are familiar with even if we do not engage in horticultural pursuits.


If I put an apple seed in the ground I should not be surprised to find an apple tree before long.  I would be very surprised if anything other than an apple tree appeared although there are any number of reasons why the seed I planted didn't produce a tree or plant after its own kind.


Some time ago (July 3, 2009 to be precise) I began the following thread:

Alex's picture



A Modest Proposal

 In Junior High I had to read 

graeme's picture



the politics of words

One of the things surely noticeable is the spread of irrationality of political debate in both Canada and the US - though more obvious in the US.. When the trade towers were hit, Bush in his first speech said that they did it because they were jealous of American democracy. What an absured statement! But it was widely quoted, and almost wihout comment. Then he said they did it because they were evil. Well, okay, but if Satan is capturing souls on that scale, we're in trouble.

martinhea's picture



As a man thinks....

As a man thinks so shall he be.  If we truly come from God and the creative universe then we too are creators like God.  However, if what we envision can be manifested simply through intention and will, then why can we not create peace? Personally, I think that desire and will alone are not adequate to create a thing in our lives.  A state of readiness must also accompany it.  The lightbulb could not have been invented in the 12th century because the ability to harness electricity, blow glass into a bulb shape, understand the excitability of electrons in their valen

lovebelize's picture



sharing positive stories

Here's an excerpt from a northern magazine:

Apparently, the government in the 50s had moved Inuit families to a barren stretch of beach on an Arctic Island, because they wanted a new settlement there. The son of the Inuit who was left there, recalls how desolate it was, even by their standards, and how angry his father was.

  But, the son in Grise Fiord now does not discuss it much with his young son. "I don't want my children to inherit what I feel (anger)."

I thought that was a strong statement, from a strong man.

deepspaceinteractive's picture



Hillhurst United Church - Sermon on Anger November 16, 2008

This is the seventh sermon in a series on the seven deadly sins.  It was delivered by John Griffith, a guest speaker.  Why are we discussing sin?  Because we have lost the meaning of the word.  In the original language it meant - missing the mark.  I set a goal, I don't make it. I want to be a certain way, but I do something else.  In terms of human nature, The writer Paul said something like, The person I want to be, I am not, and the person I don't want to be I see in the mirror in the morning.
