Pinga's picture



Canadians saying sorry

We have heard that those in the far north have many word sfor snow.


Well, Canadians have many many different ways to say "sorry", which often have nothign to do with apologies.



DKS's picture



Who has courage to follow Utah's homeless lead?

The American state of Utah may have found the solution to homelessness. It is hard to believe, but the evidence points to a simple, counter-intuitive idea that simply works.
Homelessness is a serious issue across North America. In the U.S. it is believed that 1.75 million people are on the street each day.

DKS's picture



Let's work towards peacefol solution in Syria

Imagine for a moment, our safe, quiet communities in Grey and Bruce counties have been transported half way around the world and dropped right into the Middle East. And just for the sake of conversation, let’s say we are now in Syria.

Our cities are not safe or quiet any more, but torn by an internal civil war. Families have lost relatives when the government or somebody used chemical weapons on innocent civilians. The dead are buried, but the pain lives on.

qwerty's picture



Harper's (Secret) Trade Treaty with China - Do Something Quick

Okay we can stop talking about Frankenstorm now.  Its over.  It has served well, though as a distraction from the more important news that you aren't hearing about and which will affect all Canadians for most of our natural lives.

ninjafaery's picture



We Are the Beaver!

... or are we the Polar Bear?


Conservative Senator Nicole Eaton thinks we should get rid of the "dentally defective" beaver -- a "19th century has-been" and chose the "strength, courage, resourcefulnes and dignity" in favour of our current lowly national symbol, the beaver.

This is the ctv version in case anyone thinks it's a leftie plot to ridicule someone who draws a salary of about $250000 a year to come up with this stuff.

graeme's picture



Sunday's coming.....

In a speech today, Mr. Romney, leading candidate for the Republican leadership announced that God wants the US to rule the world. He proposes to dramatically increase the "defence" budget, and cut social assistance.

Canada, as titular leader of the NATO bombing, has almost finished its work in Libya, almost certainly having killed tens of thousands of civilians. (You can't bomb cities without doing that.)

roberrific's picture



5000 Years of Paying Taxes

Mathew was a tax collector Ben Franklin wrote "in the world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes." in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy (13 November 1789).

Matthew was a tax collector.

graeme's picture



Libya and the future of Canada

we have now passed the point of  no return. And the parliamentary support for it came from all parties.  We are now committed to a war which has no relation whatever to any Canadian need. We are in a war that nobody has a reason for. There has been no serious discussion of it - and very little public information. We are committed to a war in Libya which will serve as the precedent for many more such wars to come.
