Happy Retiree's picture

Happy Retiree


Banning Children Under Six

Watched the News tonight on Global and there was quite a story about restaurants and movie theatres and other places not allowing children under 6 years old in because of their disruptive behaviour.  My first thought was "hurray!"  No more spoiled outings because of a screaming child or one running wild but then I thought of other parents who control their children,expect a certain level of respect, and who would also be kept out.  Perhaps they could have two sections, a child section and a non-child section, as they used to do with smokers.  Your thoughts?

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Appealing to heart and soul

I often speak about how people of faith provide the impetus for national discussions and dramatic shifts by appealing to heart and soul. I love recalling the leadership of, among others, William Wilberforce, Nellie McClung, Tommy Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr., and Desmond Tutu.

gecko46's picture



Where's the Line to See Jesus?

This video is circulating via email. Some interesting comments on youtube. I'm sharing it because of the music and it has a great message during the Christmas season.

crazyheart's picture



HOLODOMOR - so how are we doing?

This is National Holodomor Awareness Week Nov. 22-28.

This is to remember the Ukranian famine genocide from 1932 -1033 under Stalin's Communist regime where l1 million Ukranians died.

Saskatchewan passed Bill No. 40 , an act to recognize Holodomor  in 2008.

The United Nations passed a similar bill.

Senator Raynell Adreychuck wrote " We must never again allow a repressive regime to use food as a weapon for the pursuit of ideological views and goals."

So how well do you think we are doing?

crazyheart's picture



Communion With Wine

In the United Church, the council or board, I believe, decides what elements should be used for Communion. Most opt for grape juice for a variety of reasons.

Children are encouraged to participate in Communion. It was a long fought fight and in most United Churches, children are now included.

BUT............should your church decide to use wine , would churches still be as welcoming of children to Communion.

This is a wondering question.

somegalfromcan's picture



Sunday School

I was wondering if anyone else on this forum is a Sunday School teacher??? I was thinking that this would be a great place to network - to share ideas, successful lessons - and failures too!


KateR's picture



Pakistan Relief Appeal launched

The United Church has launched an appeal for Pakistan and posted a video on www.youtube.com/unitedchurchof canada about it deals with emergencies.  Also check out the ACTAlliance site for up to date pictures from the region. www actalliance.org.

gaiagrrl's picture



Daughters Hearing Loss

So for a while now I've been wondering if there was something going on with my 3 yr old daughters hearing.  But in the winter/early spring, she had a few colds and so I thought maybe her ears were a bit plugged. But over the last few weeks, its been noticeable.  And way beyond a three year old loving to say the word What? What? What?  She's now coming closer or leaning in to hear me and says Pardon Me (or What) about a hundred times.


gaiagrrl's picture



Gun "Play" in Daycare

I picked my daughter (age 3 1/2) up from daycare last week and she'd had a rough day.  Normally we only hear good stuff but that day, whoosh, she'd whacked one kid and thrown food, tried to induce a coo against another child...the works.  It was, as I said, a rough day and we talked a lot about what had happened that day.  Part of it that seemed to contribute to it was two of her boy daycare friends suddenly deciding to turn on the girls, chase them with pretend guns while yelling that they were going to kill them.


I have a problem with this.
