St. Ignatius's picture

St. Ignatius


True Christians? Free Church? Bible Church? What do these terms really mean?

I've always found these sloguns funny.  It's as if the ones using them aren't so must as saying we are true, free and biblical but you're not.

alivetoday's picture



Dilemma in Regards to church

Just out of curiousity, what should a person do if they go to a specific denomination (such as the United Church) and then realize that they no longer fit in, in the church? As a Christian, I have tried my best to listen to and heed the call of God in my life... for a number of years, it has felt like God is calling me to a different denomination altogether, as I don't feel I belong at the United Church. My theological and spiritual views are likely too "right-wing" for the people in my congregation, and I no longer find the worship to be spiritually enriching for me.

graeme's picture



Russell Williams

This evening, on TV, I watched Russell Williams in the interrogation room as he talked about what he had done. I felt sickness and hopelessness and something much more terrible than disgust; and I felt an indescribable sadness.

How does a Christian react to this?

Alex's picture



Is being reasonable the same as being Christian?

 i found an interesting article in the Observer. 

Decoding the Bible

What makes Christians distinct?

 What interested me the most was a quote from 2nd century Christian thinker Justin.

gen2b2's picture



a dear friend with mental illness...

Hi all-I'm new here and looking to connect with united church or like-minded people in discussions about lots of stuff.

but right now I'm going to make it all about me!

my dear two roomates, God bless them, are hard-nosed, ultra-conservative, fire and brimstone christians who belong to the (I AM NOT EXAGGERATING: slightly fascist) organization known as my university's chapter of Campus for Christ.

they both think the UCC is a tiny, crazy, liberal organization that practically does not qualify as Christian.

Anonymous's picture



One, Two, Trinity or more?

Most trinitarians accept that God is three persons, father, son, and holy ghost.

But what can make sure that God consists of three persons? What if he simply hasn't revealed a fourth person to us yet? How do we know that there are exactly three and not two or just one with three "masks"?


Make Poverty

Dear Make Poverty History Supporter,
These are hard words to write. Every minute of every day, a mother dies in childbirth or pregnancy. 24,000 children under 5 years old die every day.
These are staggering figures, made all the more tragic because these women and children are dying needlessly. Simple, low-cost, tried and true interventions could prevent most of these deaths. We know that, because we take them for granted in our world. It explains why 1 mother in 7,300 dies in childbirth in the industrialized country, while 1 mother in 22 forfeits her life in Africa.


EmergingSpirit's picture



"Are We All Christians Now?"

Over on the Unreasonable Faith blog there is a short and provocative article about Christians, what they have in common, and whether or not it's possible (or desirable) to define Christianity. 'VorJack,' the author of the post, starts off with John Spong,talking about Christian doctrine. Spong says he is willing to let go any belief he finds "unacceptable," to the point of being empty-handed. Using the metaphor of a card game, VorJack asks whether Spong is "still playing the same game" as other Christians. "And if you're no longer playing the same game, why are you still at the table?"

On the flip side, VorJack poses a couple more interesting questions, i.e.: Who has the right to define Christianity, even if they could? Is there any single biblical passage, creedal statement, or traditional belief that all Christians agree on? "To sever yourself from 2,000 years of Christian thought takes brass," he says, "and I respect that. But to do so and still say you're engaged with the tradition seems almost delusional."

What do you think? Is it possible perhaps to define Christianity negatively? (for example: There is no form of Christianity that holds Mohammed as its central figure and prophet) Also, does saying you are a Christian make it so? The Klu Klux Klan comes to mind as an example of dubiously-labeled Christians.

Take a look at the full article here.

CanadianStorm's picture



What is the point of Genesis 22:1-18

As I stand at the Crossroad in my life with the choice to go the Christian path or to continue on my path to Enlightenment, I stand confused, pondering, because I want, with all my heart, to bring Jesus back into my life. But I have questions, one in which is, what is the point of Genesis 22:1-18? Being a father myself to one child not unlike Abraham, I have to state that if God advised me of the same as he did with Abraham I would blatantly say NO!!! Then I guess after taking cover I would try and have a conversation with God asking him why? Do you not see my loyalty to you?
