unionvilletim's picture



Digital Photo Directory

PC Photo now makes a digital version of the photo directory that works on all smart phones, tablets and computers.  

This is in addition to the hard copy provided one per family free of charge!  

DKS's picture



Neighbourly Love Answers Two Despicable Acts

Over the summer, two incidents in Ontario hit the headlines, tore across social media and drew my attention to the harsh reality that living in a community can sometimes be a difficult thing.

The first happened in Kingston.

Two married women came home from a weekend away to receive an anonymous letter telling them that there were people out to get them and that the writer did not agree with their living in Kingston as a married couple.

There were threats of intimidation, violence and bodily harm, including being shot with a pellet gun.

EmergingSpirit's picture



Richard Manley-Tannis: Community - A Proposal

"The Gospels and Letters of John were written in the midst of theological debate. One's place within the community was defined by one's confession of Jesus as the Messiah. At first, believing Jews distinguished themselves from others in the synagogue by their confession that Jesus was the Messiah. Then, when the community of believers separated from the synagogue, their confession defined them over against the pagan, Greco-roman world."

-- Alan R. Culpepper, The Gospel and Letters of John Interpreting Biblical Texts (Nashville: Abingdon P, 1998) 16.

Okay, I admit it; I'm often coming back to community as a theme. In fact, were I to be completely honest, I would say that it is central to my own longing that lies at the centre of my faith. And, if I continue on this trajectory, I guess it is also why I am so invested in the necessity for healthy and effective leadership. The promise of a healthy community depends on the leadership that models it.

The quote from Alan Culpepper, I believe, offers a pretty interesting way in which to read the Sacred Stories about the Community of John, and generally the Gospels and the New Testament. If you're looking for something to read this summer ... use this lens for the New Testament: the text should be read in the context of communities that are in conflict - both internally and externally - in their understanding of who Jesus was and what it means to be community. Read this way, suddenly they feel very real ... especially in their comfort to claim who is right and who is wrong ... orthodoxy is a pretty old temptation!

BillK's picture



How can we help each other in a depression?

The economic newsletter I read yesterday was full of dire predictions of falling production, no consumer confidence and global layoffs.  I remembered what it felt like to be suddenly searching for a job.

revjohn's picture



Wondercake for June 17th

Hi All,

Apologies for the lateness.

Saturday turned out to be a pretty busy affair what with moving into a new house and all.

We didn't mark any of the boxes so I couldn't remember which box my Wondercookware was in.

It is also way too freaking hot to want to actually bake so I did what I always do when it gets way too freaking hot. I long for Newfoundland and Labrador.

And that gave me a bit of a brainwave.

Wonder recipient? Birthdaygirl? Okay that sounds good. Busymom gets the cake.

revjohn's picture



Admin plowed the field and we scattered

Hi All.

Some five months ago ground was broken here and we were invited to roll up our sleeves and much around a bit.

Our thoughts and ideas were to be the seed sown with the hopes that much good fruit would spring forth.

Some seed fell onto hard packed earth where it was quickly gobbled up by the beasts that crawl and the birds that fly. If some of that seed was yours what would you want to reclaim of it?

revjohn's picture



Enter the ninja

Hi all,

Remember way back when in Debating Fundamentalists 101 Ezed compared the one lone fundamentalist drawing flack to a ninja taking on a roomful of other warriors?

It strikes me that the troll does pretty much the same thing.

Ninja-troll I wonder what you have to roll to beat that?

Anyway, if you've ever seen a Churck Norris movie (and if you haven't I applaud your sense of taste) you will be aware that the movie always ends with Church and the big baddie duking it out one on one.

revjohn's picture



Real Trust In Virtual Community

Hi All,

I've been thinking about this a bit of late.

This is what has passed through what I use for a mind. Please excuse the odd bit of rust I'm not really sure where that is coming from.

If you and I were to meet face to face it would probably best be described as awkward.

Awkward for me because I would have to do a lot of mental gymnastics so I could reconcile what I know of you from here with what I learn about you in those first few moments.

Awkward for you because you would be doing likewise.

revjohn's picture



Who's the Fool?

Hi All,

Way back when in a little thread called "The Danger of Everbody" I mentioned that I didn't like to "go all dad on everyone" and I shared that I have a talent for stating the obvious.

So it isn't that I like to post this or even want to post this. I feel compelled to post this and part of that compulsion stems from some rampant foolishness floating about.

revjohn's picture



Wondercake for February 24th

Special day today, my firstborn turns 15 so I'm baking a cake for him also.

Upon consultation with the lad and taking into accout certain Lenten practices of my fellow WonderCafians I have opted for the subtle elegance of . . .

A White Cake with a delicate vanilla frosting. Replete with purple Lenten sprinkles.

Typically, the Wondercake has been awarded to individuals who have had outstanding weeks. While I like the back patting encouragement that provides it causes me slight works righteousness aversion flutters.
