wondercafe2adm's picture



WC2 : Things that go beep, boop, and ping - Technical updates thread

Okay, while we are boring you to tears with this governance stuff, the development of Wondercafe2 continues unabated.


To date we have:


  • Installed and started configuring the software
  • Done some testing of basic functions
  • Reviewed a first draft of the design
  • Saved chansen from himself cheeky


wondercafe2adm's picture



WC2 : We move inexorably onwards...

We have been a quiet over the last while, partly because we are all busy outside of the Wondercafe2 project and partly because we have had a lot to prepare as we move forward with creating this new community. What follows is an update on what is happening and an outline of where we are going and what we will be bringing forward to the community over the next 4-6 weeks.


Pinga's picture



The influence of pre-teen / teen reading choices

In what manner did the books you read as a pre-teen or teen get chosen for you?

Did you pick them , and if so, from what selection?


Looking back, do you feel that reading influenced who you are today?


(( I am intentionally not putting this item in parenting, as I want it to be more about what impacted you, then I do about how you as a parent/mentor influence children))


rishi's picture



Ancient Ways & The Emerging Spirit

Often when I listen carefully to points of view within the church that are called "emerging" or "progressive,"  my impression is that they are missing something that is vital. This is obvious if you've read my posts here or my blog, to the point that some might wonder if I'll ever stop kvetching about it. Maybe, someday, but that day has not yet come, because I just came across a beautiful quote in a book that I'm reading by E. F. Scott that speaks to the concern that I feel about that "something missing" in how we at times approach development.

gomom's picture



To Read or Not To Read

My daughter turned 3 less than a month ago and for the past few months has started trying to read.  She knows the sounds to most of the letters and is trying to sound out the words in her books.  (She has trouble running the sounds together to form the words still though.)  I was quite surprised when she started to do this, so I asked her preschool teacher about it.  The advice she gave me was to not focus on that aspect of learning and to start doing lots of arts related activities with her.  It is her opinion that if she learns to read thi

Faerenach's picture



Crumbling Infrastructure

(I originally posted this in the Politics forum, but it hasn't stimulated any response, so a blog it becomes!)


As some of you might know, my significant other is from Barcelona, Spain.  I have been very lucky to visit the city many times, and each time I am amazed by its public transit.  Many people don't own cars.  It's one euro for a metro/bus fare, flat - no zoning like London or Madrid.  One euro makes TTC's 2.75 look exorbitant.


Faerenach's picture



Crumbling Infrastructure

As some of you might know, my significant other is from Barcelona, Spain.  I have been very lucky to visit the city many times, and each time I am amazed by its public transit.  Many people don't own cars.  It's one euro for a metro/bus fare, flat - no zoning like London or Madrid.  One euro makes TTC's 2.75 look exorbitant.

