revjohn's picture



Fresh Water from Salt Springs

Hi All,


In the epistle of James we find this bit of instruction:


James 3:11-12 wrote:

Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?  My brothers and sisters can a fig tree bear olives and a grapevine bear figs?  Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.


Recently there have been several discussions where members of are invited to consider an idea or two and those invited have raised misgivngs about the source responsible for the ideas.

Gray Owl's picture

Gray Owl


Journey into the United Church: Saying "Uncle" to God

I have been Asked to do many impossible things for God over the last nine years.  Now that He has reduced me to zero, I can't say that I'm 'Asked' to do one more thing.  It's like I haven't been Given an option.


My dad just had a second heart attack in as many months.  All the doctors could say is that his heart is 'tired.'  At 87 years old, the body is just worn out.  He is a minister.  Now his son begins to enter the process to become one.  The doctors asked my mother about 'do not resuscitate' orders.' 


Fakirs Canada's picture

Fakirs Canada


What is 'God' for us, and, how can we discern what is true?

I have realized that the last topic I posted on this forum, 'is Jesus God,' brought up the question "What is God?"  The last few comments on that thread addressed the concepts of truth and lies, and the spiritual dangers in mistaking one for the other.  Perhaps nowhere is that mistake so dangerous than in the area of worship and prayer.  I don't have a 'unified theory' of God.  On the one hand, I have worked with attempts to come closer to the divine through sacred teachings about the attributes of the divine: 
