DKS's picture



Hospital chapels don’t need religious symbols

The chapel in the hospital in Miramichi, New Brunswick, has had all religious symbols removed from it.

carolla's picture



Hospital Spiritual Care gets the axe in BC

Slowly, the news is spreading ... and it worries me. 

Fraser Health Region in BC has eliminated the position of chaplains/spiritual care directors from their area hospitals.  Budgets are tight ... so they say 'non-core services' have to go ... despite the research to support the key role spiritual care plays in health & recovery.  The illusion continues that people 'get this care' in their communities ... which for many who arrive at our hospital doors is simply not true.


martha's picture



Spiritual Care in Medical Facilities: good/bad

TheCurrentCBC  podcast: Pt 1: Snow Science, Pt 2: The Value of Nothing - Raj Patel, Pt3: Spirtuality in Hospitals

Take a listen to this take on Spirituality in Hospitals (follow to the Part 3 of the pod-cast of Feb. 2, 2010.

somegirl's picture



7 1/2 hours in the emergency room

It was a beautiful day here in NS and I spent 7 1/2 hours of it in the emergency room.  I went in at 10am and got out at 5:30.  That is by far the longest I've ever spent in emergency.  It was a little over 6 hours before I saw the Dr.  They did a quick ultrasound and gave me some pain killers.  They figure that it is gall stones.  I have to go back tomorrow morning for an ultrasound and get the results.  I sure hope that it isn't that long tomorrow.


breaktown's picture



A Day Seeing Greg

Today was my one-year annual PET/CT scan at the Stollery Hospital. Due to the morning rush, i had to leave the house at 7:15 am and my mom drove to a place where the good times never stop.


Faerenach's picture



Crumbling Infrastructure

As some of you might know, my significant other is from Barcelona, Spain.  I have been very lucky to visit the city many times, and each time I am amazed by its public transit.  Many people don't own cars.  It's one euro for a metro/bus fare, flat - no zoning like London or Madrid.  One euro makes TTC's 2.75 look exorbitant.

