John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


astronomy, life, science

Astronomers using NASA data have calculated for the first time that in our galaxy alone, there are at least 8.8 billion stars with Earth-size planets in the habitable temperature zone.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Congratulations; time to break out the bubbly and party

Future generations will be asking, "Where were you May 9th, 2013?"


"Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide surpassed a notable milestone this week.

They reached a daily average above 400 parts per million, reported NOAA, for the first time in human history.

skyface's picture




Freedom to live in the way you want,

not because certain rules of school govern you.

Not adhering to strict diet of controls.

what you can and what you cannot do.

What supplements of life do we need to live this painfull life we in

not withstanding and adding on all the pollutants of mind

to control your every thought,

oui's picture



How did we get here?

This is a truly mind bending program, very informative, well explained.

Mendalla's picture



Think of a River

Think of water

Falling as rain

Bubbling up from springs

Running down as streams and creeks

Until they meet in the larger flow of a river.


Think of a River;

Water flowing;

Carrying silt and debris

From all the places it has touched.

From all the streams and creeks that have fed it


Think of the ocean

Receiving the water and all that it carries

From all the rivers

From all the streams

auchters's picture




Tragedy and trouble struck one day,

The earthquake wiped my whole village away.

As I stand amidst the dust and rubble

franota's picture



Moving with the Spirit

It's been a long time - again - since I blogged. LIfe often takes us on twists and turns that we least expect. That happened this year, in a big way. In July I saw a vacancy posted at Humber United in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. By mid-August I had said yes. It had to be the shortest search in the history of the church.

On November 7th, I said farewell to my congregation of five years, Glen Ayr United in Scarborough. What started as a one-year supply had stretched over five years, and many changes. It was a wonderful farewell, and a wonderful end to a good chapter.

John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


A New Topic!

Talk about unfocused! It 4:30 am and I 've just finished an article of the begining of of multicellular life 2 billion years ago and stumbled on this line


“When bacteria are under stress, it triggers their cooperation,” said biophysicist Eshel Ben-Jacob of Tel Aviv University. “Those that have to cope with a more complex environment show higher complexity.”

Gummy.Worm.'s picture



ooh! blogging!

well hello wondercafe, this is GummyWorm :D and this will probably be my only successful attempt at blogging :] but anyways, as you can see from my discussion topics I am very interested in other peoples opinions on the GLBTTQ community. partially because I am just beginning to discover the comunity myself. so this is where I might possibly tell you about my day, or the thoughts on things peope say, which will probably turn into discussion topics at one point. so anyways, toodles for now :D

Rev. Steven Davis's picture

Rev. Steven Davis


Life and Death

 A few years ago I stumbled upon this poem. There was no author mentioned in the resource in which I found it, and I've often found it a valuable reading to use (especially right before an interment) as it really does (to me at least) put life and its purpose (even with all its struggles and challenges) into some sort of perspective. I just thought I'd share it.

