Rowan's picture



Wiccan Priest Hire Reversed

I wasn't entirely sure where to post this, but R&F seemed as good a place as any. This headline and the article made my blood boil.  The full title of the article is "Wiccan Priest Hire Reversed By Federal Minister"


Witch's picture



Pagan Sacred Music

In the thread

"The Golden Age of Gospel"

I was asked what Pagan sacred music was like. Not wanting to taka away from that thread, I've decided to start one here.


Pagan Music isn't nearly as broad and diverse as Christian music. Most of our oldest music has been lost, aalthough much survies in the form of Old World Folk music. Still, we've managed to gather together a bit o' the staff and jigs over time.


Jaron's picture



How do you feel about Pagans???

I saw that a large percentage of the people here were Christian and I was wondering what their veiws were on Pagans and Paganism. Even if your not, i'd like to see the general consensus.

ShamanWolf's picture



Pagan Christmas

 I'm dreaming of a pagan Christmas

Just like in 100 BC

With the White Mare gnashing amongst the mummers

With holly and a sacred tree


I'm dreaming of a pagan Christmas

With oak king, holly king and queen

Let us ring in the bright new year

With misrule and Saturnal cheer.



A crappy song I wrote.

Don't know any of this stuff?  Look it up.

Recommended reading: The White Goddess, by Robert Graves.

Those Wondercafeites who see the Face of God differently than Christians