John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


Gifts greater than God's?

Science, like religion, must work with simple concepts the human mind can comprehend. But if biocentrism is right, nature has much bigger plans for us than just this or that life — plans far beyond anything religion has ever projected to any god.

----so sez Dr. Lanza. Anyone readimg him, or in the least interested in






Google it and see if your mind remains un-blown...


John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


A New Topic!

Talk about unfocused! It 4:30 am and I 've just finished an article of the begining of of multicellular life 2 billion years ago and stumbled on this line


“When bacteria are under stress, it triggers their cooperation,” said biophysicist Eshel Ben-Jacob of Tel Aviv University. “Those that have to cope with a more complex environment show higher complexity.”

John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


Science -- Arminius -- Drat, EH? (Any one else?)


A leading story in the latest issue of Scientific American:

Is the Universe Leaking Energy?
Total energy must be conserved. Every student of physics learns this fundamental law. The trouble is, it does not apply to the universe as a whole

I just had to pass this  along, being a malevilent , person.


carolla's picture



Brain plasticity ...

I've been doing some reading & listening to a webinar series about brain plasticity ... the concept that the brain can and does change.  Old thinking was that the brain was a pretty fixed bit of matter.  More recent research is showing that it is possible to create new neural pathways, for example after a stroke.


ppeterson's picture



Is Our Pusuit of Truth Killing Us?

The modern separation between “meaning” and “truth” is leading us to a very sterile and meaningless existence.  This differentiation may also be a primary reason that we are disconnecting with each other and our precious planet.  Let me explain...

InannaWhimsey's picture



A Moment In Time

I just came across this little gem.  Someone has created an interactive flash where you can slide between size scales, all the way from the very smallest (Planck Length) all the way to the very largest (size of universe).


And it has wonderful music to boot!  So put on your headphones and


mainline the wonder:

Aresthena's picture



The Large Hadron Collider

 What do you think about this "doomsday machine"?


They were not able to start it up last year, because "it wasn't ready". Now I heard that the people behind it are going to try again this year, and this time, "it should be ready".


Personally I find it hard to comprehend how such experiments with Destiny are normal - sure, we may end up finding something great and amazing about life! But there is still just this tiny possibility that they may create a Black Hole. And send this galaxy AND us into Oblivion.

ShamanWolf's picture



Two random new ideas of God

 I just thought of these a while ago.  They're not ideas of what a theoretical God is like so much as theories of his motivation, these being motivations other than absolute good, which resolve the why-is-there-suffering dilemma.


RevLGKing's picture



GOD over all, G0D in all, that IS, including the Sacred and Secular Humanism

Isn't it about time we built a bridge over the troubled waters between the sacred and the secular?


Let's begin by accepting the fact that both have much in common and are valid ways seeing and living within what we experience as reality, the now.


