Mendalla's picture



Hope, Courage, and The Nativity

On Sunday, I am service leader at my UU fellowship, working with the minister on a service about Solstice and Christmas. I have long wanted to talk about Christmas and the traditional Nativity story in the context of my UU'ism so for my part of the service, I am offering the following reflection. The reflection in our service is an opportunity for the service leader to offer their own thoughts on the theme of the service.

oui's picture



What is Xmas really about?


So what IS this time of celebration really about?  Its not really about Jesus, most all Christian churches concur that he was not born on this date, and there is no mention of any celebration in the New Testament.  Jesus' instruction was to celebrate the resurrection, not his birth.


Its not really about commercialism, that is a very recent phenomenon, a business opportunity tacked onto the date.  The same goes for Santa.

