Panentheist's picture



If the message I post is not quite according to Hoyle, will I be held accountable?

Our group is working on Borg's book The Heart of Christianity, chapt 10 --nourishment, either literal or verbal.

At a particular moment Borg posits that we should take care not to teach our kids anything they  will have to unlearn later in life.

Friend of mine suggested that:

because knowledge expands so rapidly, it is wellneigh impossible to teach anybody anything they will not have to adjust later on in the light of new knowledge.Whatever you do, don't feel guilty about it.

Ronnie Star's picture

Ronnie Star


Notice of understanding and Intent and Confermation of my Denial of Consent to be Governed.

Notice of understanding and Intent and Confermation of my Denial of Consent to be Governed.

To: The United CHURCH OF GOD... " Pharoah; Let God's Children GO, in the name of Jesus the Christ!!! "

From: The Principle of th AGENT; Commonly known Name of Burt, Ronnie Star and of Commonly
known Name of Ronald Burton James of the Family Name Baker, and Now of the Common Name
known Only as "I AM"

Dependants of Christ
Lovers of the hard Truth opposed to fanciful, smooth and conforting lies.
Dependants of Christ

Collectively Christendom is hypocritical, pathetic, and plastered with idolatry! It is the sad reality of the church. However, there still are genuine God fearing, Jesus loving, Holy Spirit driven Christians out there who care more about the Lord Jesus than themselves, wherefore they won’t let the despicable condition of the church prevent or impede them from loving and giving glory to Christ Jesus.
