Mendalla's picture



What's wilth me and church?

Okay, something seems to be amiss. For whatever reason, my interest in attending worship has hit an all-time low. I've gone to services, but there's no spark there, nothing that inspires me or draws me into that sacred space. I've even been a lay leader, something that often inspires me, and came out of it feeling very meh about the whole experience even though the minister and some of the congregation complimented me. Changing churches (i.e. going to a UCCan instead of my UU fellowship) doesn't seem to do anything either.


Jobam's picture



What current top 40 song (Adult Contemporary) might you use for worhsip?

I thought it might be fun - for those of us who keep tabs on the current top 40 - to suggest ideas on how they might use a specific song during worship service. I realize the the list changes weekly so this might create some challenges for us in keeping us.

DKS's picture



Technology Question

Anyone using an LCD or plasma large screen TV in place of projection for worship in their sanctuary? I'm trying to noodle around high ambient light conditions.

GordW's picture



Who Am I? Who Should I Be?

This Sunday marks the first Sunday of Lent.  Starting on Ash Wednesday (2 days from now) Lent is a 40 day (not counting Sundays) season that ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.


Every year on the 1st Sunday of Lent we are invited to consider the story of Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness.  This year one of the partner readings is the story of Adam and Eve eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.  You can read these two passages here.


LizCarterMorgan's picture



Sunday, December 25, 2011 Will your congregation worship together?

As clergy, I am happy to lead worship December 25 if anyone wants to come.  How do we decide?

BillK's picture



Don't Let an Old Building Grind You Down!

It is so sad to hear of a congregation closing.   Even when they amalgamate with another group, there is still a feeling of loss.

There are many congregations struggling with an aging, inaccessible building that has an obsolete sound system and a cranky furnace, along with a lack of free parking etc. etc.  Each year the congregation declines in numbers until the inevitable happens.

Jobam's picture



The offering

Several fundamentalist churches that I have visited don’t have a place in the service for the offering. Instead the offering plates are at the back of the church. After talking with a couple of the members it became clear that they are expected to give and that they are supposed to give 10 percent of their income. 

GordW's picture



Does God Hate Our Worship?

That is my sermon question this week, using the Isaiah lection.  Does
worship help us do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God or does
it get in the way?

See my opening thoughts at:

Mendalla's picture



Organizing worship

I am currently the "worship coordinator" at my UU fellowship. I use this title rather than "worship chair" because I have no committee to chair. Lots of willing hands to do specific tasks (e.g. the summer services are all in the hands of various experienced service leaders), but no team to help with the week to week bits like taking care of the chancel supplies (candles, etc.), coordinating the pianists and choir, scheduling service leaders, and so on. Why is this a problem?

Riverside-Emery United Church

Riverside-Emery, 2799 Weston Road, Toronto M9M 2R8

416 742 4100

Pastor:  Rev. Sheila Campbell

Secretary: Ruth Gordon


Sunday worship service at 11:00 am

Riverside-Emery United Church

Riverside-Emery, 2799 Weston Road, Toronto M9M 2R8

416 742 4100

Pastor:  Rev. Sheila Campbell

Secretary: Ruth Gordon


Sunday worship service at 11:00 am

Riverside-Emery United Church