somegalfromcan's picture



Holy Now (video embedded)

Bruce Sanguin is at my church for a conference this weekend and tonight, as part of his talk, he played this video for us. I found it to be quite moving and thought I would share it here:



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Beloved's picture



Thanks for sharing, somegal . . . how are you enjoying the conference?  What are you learning?  What insights can you share with us?


WaterBuoy's picture



Everything is holy now ... is something missing in a mad, mad world?


Goph Igure ...

somegalfromcan's picture



Beloved - the conference is going very well! I'll do some more reflecting on what I've learned before I share it - perhaps in a day or two when I am less tired! For now I'll share this mantra that Bruce Sanguin shared with us last night:


"I am the universe noticing the universe."


I used as I went for a walk in the woods this afternoon and found it helped me to see things in a new way.

seeler's picture



Beautiful video.  Love the concept. 


When I was young my mother taught me that miracles don't happen - except those in the Bible which was a different time and place.  I had the impression that only the gullible, ignorant or foolish believed in miracles, used ouji boards, communed with the dead, saw ghosts, or experienced miraculous cures.  Modern, intelligent people believed that God worked through science to create the world and everything in it. 


It took me a long time to realize that miracles are all around us, that life itself, and every breath we take is a miracle. 


God breathed life into the world.

God saw the world and it was good.

God's Spirit is all around us. 

God's kingdom is at hand, growing like yeast in bread, raising up, spilling over. 


Last evening on 'The Nature of Things' I watched a program about plants with time lapse photography taken of roots underground.  (the photography itself was a miracle I can't understand).  It was amazing, beautiful, wonderful to watch those tiny roots, magnified many times over, searching out the nutrients they would need all the while interacting with other tiny roots from other plants.   Yesterday I wouldn't have believed it.  Now I have seen another miracle in the ordinary world around us.



WaterBuoy's picture



Its amazing what we deny the understanding thereof ... almost biblical if you search out verses relating to understanding ... but official authority down here doesn't wish us to; 3 -monqui rule!


Catagorical; enough to put Kant on tilde ... out of balance?


The God of wisdom is off prancing about with the God of love and Justice ... if you get my drift we're not close to there ... yet! Sort of a creeping thing like an ignorant conspiracy ... the putting down of a social mind ... leads to ends ...


A grand design that nobody had to think about ... and God's thoughts were scattered in the dance ... if you can gather anything from that!


Perhap it is not the way some powers presented ID? That's authority for Yah ...

WaterBuoy's picture



Myself? I know nothing ... therefore real people can't ask me about eM! An abstract concept ... appears to be out there ...


One has to work their way about it like an "esh" but then hoo would no that if there is no interest in the past?


Consider the interest given the death of a star that happened in the past ... but was displayed in the night sky. Einstein couldn't had it all wrong about the Cosmological Constant ... just intuitive and little known ... real people din't wish it known ...


Space time and light ... equivalent ... but not the same! That's primal ID ... like unseen fire in de hole ... intercourse on Canan?


Then hoo knows that Canan was once a word for Echo and the cyrillic form: poltergheist as the chill down yer nex ...


Some suggest it makes multifaceted personalities crazy ... like God beyond us?


If we don't think what would you expect. Many people don't think they speak of intuition without testing or poking ... allows for Rueben, or ribbing ... about what we don't know!

gecko46's picture



Holiness....a heightened awareness.   Love the images in the video.

airclean33's picture



Hi Seeler-- I like your post. The bible says something like. He came for those who could not hear . That they may hear. He came for those who could not see.  So they could see. God Bless you seeler, as I know you will be a blessing to your church. airclean33

WaterBuoy's picture




Sounds like the ghost of soul creeping up on people ... you do recall that Roman Rule put down psyche ... common folk weren't supposed to know ... a very successful bible crusade against primal beliefs about emotions and thoughts ... thoughts slowly leave us as even the authorities begin to believe doing what you wish is best for the individual and you know what they like to do to the other ...


But Christ believed in teaching children ... so they wouldn't get caught up in their parents millstones ... happens with child labour ... and is our soul anything but barely infantile? Collectively I have experts tell us ID doesn't even exist ... raising questions again about what isn't physical ... the abstract realm is out ... for that is part of psyche ... positively shunned by the hard-liners ...


"Follow our rules and don't think about anything ... just work!"


La La Land? You gotta love such a concept as self-erasing ... leads to the concept of disposable brains in a social order of consumables when looked at from outside the system ... Ka Tae Di Dite!


Did Christ get ground up in the workings of the temple ... perhaps just a metaphor of dark energy ... hard to project thoughts in reality ... thinly accepted phenomena ...

Arminius's picture



"I am the universe experiencing the universe." Yes, great concept, which becomes even greater when the universe is perceived as self-creative. Then everything is holy, being itself is being the eternal and Holy Now, and miracles happen daily.


Necessity is the mother of miracles.

-Nikos Kazantzakis


carolla's picture



Nicely said Arminius ... as always. 

Thank you somegal for sharing the video - a wonderful begining to my Thanksgiving weekend.

mrs.anteater's picture



I just watched the documentary "I am" from Tom Shadyac tonight- wonderfully made -about the connectedness of all life and the question: what is wrong with this world? And what can we do about it? Based on his personal experience and interviews with scientists, authors and other wise men-women
Worth watching.

WaterBuoy's picture



What's wrond with this world?


Civilized antisocializm that's founded on extermination of the paegaen ... them common folk who we think we're above ...


Do we know what we're doing in the process? Probably no better than a self-rotting apple ...


The self processing part doesn't require thought and it often gets out of hand down here. Difficult to explain to those that don't wish to know much ...


There is a preponderance on that in social orders that think things are just fine the way they are and nothing has to evolve.


Do you think we'd learn beta ...? Beta is a secondary and possibly weaker power than desire ... somethng we ignore as we lean towards greater powers ... a vast enigma that allows for evolution of a sublime nature ... an underground movement among those that don't believe they can come down to that ... just like chicken ... plaen foul ... heavenly dropout or divine fallout?

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