Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Reign of Christ Sunday November 25

This coming Sunday is Reign of Christ or Christ the King Sunday.  I have a short cmment on our church website




and I have posted my frst draft of my message in a blog.  It bothers me that historically this coming Sunday was associated with Christian triumphalism which was and is contrary to the life and teachings of Jesus.  I hope you will enjoy it.

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seeler's picture



Hi Jim - I just sat down to check the WonderCafe before putting the ideas that have been perculating in my mind for a week or so down on paper.  I'm doing a pulpit supply in a small rural charge this Sunday.

My ideas are very similar to yours but I will be approaching from a different angle. 

Reign of Christ / Realm of God

What would the world look like if God ruled instead of Ceasar?

I'm pretty sure that there wouldn't be those on the inside and those outside; or an increasing gap between rich and poor.  I think there would be more sharing of resources; more concern that everybody got enough; more negotiating and more compromise (rather than war and strife, winners and losers); more compassion; more joy. 



WaterBuoy's picture



Like Light at the end of a dark cave ... sort of Plato-Niche?


Flat debelle, that be de bo'que when chi be throw at cha ... earthy gods like that ... makes eM feel powerful even tho' they pay no tention to what's beyond a mere index ... yes


As misrepresentation of the real pointer ... (they didn't have that one in the Icon section) ...

MikePaterson's picture



The blog is great, Jim. All the best for tomorrow!


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