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Frequently Asked Questions

Suicide prevention is a serious issue. Below is a collection of suicide prevention resources, including those in Canada.


Suicide Prevention Wiki - Worldwide directory of hotlines, text-lines, online hotlines, & resources. 



When your log in and create a profile, WonderCafe masks your email address on the web to prevent automated computer programs from harvesting it for spamming purposes.

The best thing to do if and when you encounter such a situation is simply ignore them... 99.9% of the time they will soon leave you alone. By NOT responding to offending user (i.e., NOT giving them any attention, NOT letting them get a "rise" out of you), most people will simply go away. Annoying people get bored very fast when you don't allow them to annoy you. If the problem persists, contact the WonderCafe administrator and the person will be removed permanently from the site. If you feel that you have been threatened in any way, contact your local law enforcement.