
City Of Toronto Politics


It's time to have your say and discuss with actual City Employees problems with your services and hear the truth about who directs the services you get and why they are dissapearing or user fees being charged. Get the truth not what some Corrupt City Councilor tells you.


It's time to have your say and discuss with actual City Employees problems with your services and hear the truth about who directs the services you get and why they are dissapearing or user fees being charged. Get the truth not what some Corrupt City Councilor tells you.

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Our Lovely City 4 years ago
by City Employee
Photos 1 4 years ago
by City Employee
The Dump Grows 4 years ago
by City Employee
Photos 4 years ago
by City Employee
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City Employee's picture

City Employee


Where Is The Fairness?

Where is the fairness that Mayor Miller says he is offering when council appoints themselves a raise, offers better contracts to certain services and treats other services like outcasts? Is it fair to give to some while taking away from others? I thought we were all civil servants provideing service to the tax payers not being ostrosized and made to feel like degenerates.

City Employee's picture

City Employee


Only For The Chosen Ones

Only Mayor Millers chosen ones are entitled to fainess while other services are treated like degenerates. When the public are enraged  to the point of aggressive anger towards the civil servants and Mayor Miller has saved enough for his New Street Cars for his Cronie Adam Gambronie through the strike will he consider the public and a settlement, after all when you are saving 15 million a day with the strike you don't care if the public is a little discusted , the anger will be directed at the employee and the unions because most people are brain washed and told half truths about what is being demanded  and what really is going on at the negotiations. To the public take some time and find out for yourself what the truth is before making a judgement as this could be over today if the City cared and was open to binding arbitration. 


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City Employee's picture

City Employee


Where Is The Fairness?

Where is the fairness that Mayor Miller says he is offering when council appoints themselves a raise, offers better contracts to certain services and treats other services like outcasts? Is it fair to give to some while taking away from others? I thought we were all civil servants provideing service to the tax payers not being ostrosized and made to feel like degenerates.

City Employee's picture

City Employee


Only For The Chosen Ones

Only Mayor Millers chosen ones are entitled to fainess while other services are treated like degenerates. When the public are enraged  to the point of aggressive anger towards the civil servants and Mayor Miller has saved enough for his New Street Cars for his Cronie Adam Gambronie through the strike will he consider the public and a settlement, after all when you are saving 15 million a day with the strike you don't care if the public is a little discusted , the anger will be directed at the employee and the unions because most people are brain washed and told half truths about what is being demanded  and what really is going on at the negotiations. To the public take some time and find out for yourself what the truth is before making a judgement as this could be over today if the City cared and was open to binding arbitration.