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Part 4: Reintroducing Jesus

Chapter 15: Peace through Domination - it seems that this chapter was written more for McLaren's fundamentalist colleagues that for anyone else.  Many of us have been trying to see Jesus' parables through first century eyes for a very long time now.  This is nothing new.  As he points out, N.T. Wright and Dominic Crossan have written extensively on this. 

Chapter 16 - This is useful because it shakes us out of the standard "framing story"  but it doesn't really suggest anything to take its place.  Hi quote of David Korten on pp 133 that we must "change our stories" is correct in my view, but it is still unclear how we will change them.

Chapter 17 on "the sacred ecosystem of God" is the beginning of Jesus' framing story.  Making use of many of Jesus' descriptions of the Kingdom of God McLaren develops a alternative vision to the standard Chrisian message which is profoundly "anthropocentric" (human centred).

Chapter 18 tries to put to rest the image of a judgemental Jesus coking at the end of time to decide whether we have believed in him enought to be saved from Hell.  

I look forward to your reactions to these chapters

Part 4: Reintroducing Jesus (pp. 119-147)

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