CGEidsness's picture



Chapter 1 Discussion Starter - Re-posted

I am learning about this new (to me) technology.

A group post gives us a subject heading, we also have the ability to write on our "wall." With a group post you type in a subject and your thoughts and then people can respond directly to that post rather than scrolling down through all of the most recent posts.

So here is the Chapter 1 starter again:

Chapter 1 Starter

I love the idea of a trampoline – the flexibility of the springs, the need to take your feet off the surface to jump, the joy, AND that what you do with a trampoline is invite someone else to jump on it with you. The whole metaphor points me towards the embodiment of faith. For many years it seemed I kept running into the message that church was about ideas and that having the “right” idea (which was probably not the same “right” idea that Rob Bell’s church had) was vital.  This was probably related to a need to have the “right” belief. But what I hear Bell saying is that faith is about the way we choose to live – it is an embodiment of what we believe. We build some brick walls or we can go jump on a trampoline...I know which one I would choose.


Now it’s your turn. What struck you in this chapter? Was there one particular idea that made you say “Yes!” or "Absolutely not!" to an empty room? What questions do you want to ask the rest of us?


Other questions for consideration (I’ll come back and post my own answers later in the week):


From the Introduction p011-013:  What painting of faith did you inherit in your life? How are you repainting the faith?


Who or what have you put your faith in? (p019)


What doubts would you name for a Doubt Night at your church? (p029)


What questions would you ask God?(p031)



It would be good to know a little bit about who we are writing to – so if you’d like, take a minute to post a sentence or two about yourself.


If you are having trouble getting a membership on Wondercafe, but still want to participate in the discussion – send your comments in an e-mail to me at Rosemont and I will post them under your name.


Check back throughout the week to see what other people have posted –let's see if we can get some good discussion going.




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ScottT's picture



Thanks Christa. It is Scott T from Sunset United writing on this forum. I just got back from a wonderful vacation in the Grand Canyon, but I did purchase the Velvet Elvis before I left and read through it twice.

From my perspective there was was not anything that particularly stood out for me in the book. I guess for me, I look to possibly bridges that can be built between people, between religions, between ideas. For the most part, I felt that Rob Bell did this well. Particularly the sections where he challenges us to see our faith bigger--not to see Jesus as different than or opposed to science, for example. I was disappointed with Rob's story on wicca, about the one congregant member who was practicing member and who converted to  Christianity; it seemed to be treated almost as if it were a victory. Given the church's history with this issue, it may not be entirely surprising, but  it did herald back for me to some classic tensions within Christianity that I usually try to avoid. However, on the whole I found the book to be helpful. I also purchased his latest one, Love Wins, I think it is called.


Sacred Artist's picture

Sacred Artist


I think this example by Scott about Wicca could be an example of how Bell is indeed on a journey and continues to make mistakes in achieving his ultimate dream for the church. In the light of what I just wrote about chapter 7 I too am a bit surprised but delighted to have rediscovered Scott's comments. I am so glad Scottbought LoveWins. Have only read a chapter myself.