Pinga's picture



Social Media Shares: Social Justice, Alternative News

This is a place to share social media items that you have found.


Some of them may spawn threads to discuss them;however, it would be awesome if this thread was really focussed on the information that you feel is worth passing on to others.


Suggestion:  Pull the links, and put a short description of why you think it is awesome.

Consider it a library.,




graeme's picture



The sin of Desmond Tutu

Every time I read this religion and faith section, I am reminded that the essential part of being Christian is to keep a low profile on daily life. The important things are discussing whether Jesus got his feet wet while walking on water - or whether hell will have public washrooms.

crazyheart's picture



Active Prayer Life or Cop Out

A minister had been at the church for several months. In a conversation over coffee, one morning, I asked. "Does your partner have any passion that she would like to be involved in - Church School, Outreach etc"?

After a long pause ( I saw the wheels turning), he answered, "She has an active prayer life".

Fair enough. A person ( especially a clergy's spouse) should not be expected to do anything in the church if they don't want to.

graeme's picture



Where are the churches?

We live in a world in which extremist think tanks have enormous influence ever governments and the news media. There "studies" invariable recommend less for us and more for the corporations and wealthy individuals. Their profits will then be used to benefit everyong. (Right. Tell that to Haiti, Iraq, and Guatemala.  Tell that to unemployed Americans who live in a country without with one of the largest gaps between right an poor in the world.  Their moral basis, often enough stated publicy enough, is greed is good.

crazyheart's picture



Active Prayer Life - Cop out or not?

 Active Prayer Life  - I have heard this expression used and I wonder what you think it means. 'Active prayer life'? Is that opposed to an "inactive prayer life. Is any prayer life without action beneficial to anyone.

For example: some one you know is sick at home. So which is better - to actively prayer for them or to actively go and visit, get groceries, shovel the walk.?

Are the  words "active prayer life" just a cop out so that people are led to believe you are doing something when in accuality you are doing nothing?
