chansen's picture



Songza app

The fam and I are listening to kids Christmas music on an iPad app I downloaded called Songza. It's not new - I'm just getting old and falling further and further behind the curve.


Songza is a free streaming music service. You select the genre from an endless list of playlists, and it streams them to your iPad, iPhone, or Android device. Did I mention free?


MWS's picture



Good Bible Apps

A friend asked me recently if there was a good Bible app I could recomend to her for her smart phone.  I am not that savy with the smartphone/apps thing so I said I would throw it out in the Cafe for some feedback.  As Len Sweet said we are living in a post-Google world, so a bible could be something contained on a smart phone as well as a book. Your help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Freundly-Giant's picture



Favorite Facebook apps

So, recently I've gotten into the whole facebook applications deal. I must say, there's some pretty impressive stuff. I've done the farmtown, the restaurant city, what are some of your favorites?
