Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Truth and Peace

Here is my preliminary draft of my story and sermon for Sunday, Oct 28.  It is one of my longest.


October 28, 2012: Truth and Peace (Job)

Story: John Newton

Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Job as retold by Ralph Milton

There are some readings from the Book of Job that are part of the current series of lectionary readings.  I posted a Readers' Theatre version of his retelling in a blog.  Ralph Milton's version is useable in Sunday Worship service as it is only a bit over 10 minutes long.  We will be using it on October 28.

Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Job as retold by Ralph Milton

Ralph Milton many years ago retold the story of Job.  I don't remember if he wrote in Readers' Theatre form or if that was my reworking of his story.  Here it is.

