Aldo's picture



The Existential Cross of Christ

The Existential Cross of Christ

(Chapter 5 of 'The Existing Christ: towards and Existential Christology'.)


Aldo's picture



The Most Important Theological Answer....

Is this the most important theological answer?

The Word became flesh...

What is the Word did not become flesh? Then the gulf or chasm between God and people would not have been overcome. We would have no present living connection with God.

When did the Word become flesh? It was not merely a transient one time event in human history. That is clear from reading John 1. The Word became flesh in the eternal expanse; and in the eternal instant. The Word became flesh in the infinitely large and infinitely small.

Aldo's picture



Existential Christian

I am hoping to start up a discussion on existential Christians --- not Christian existentialism, but existential Christians. To start off the discussions, I have prepared 3 Powerpoint presentations and posted them on youtube. See below.



Existential Christian Statement



Existentialism …next steps

Mendalla's picture



Readings on Jesus Christ

I've been re-reading For Christ's Sake by Tom Harpur for the first time in many years (it's a well-worn copy bought back in the days when I read him regularly in the Star). I'm rather surprised by how much some of what he discusses still resonates with me and it's got me giving the Gospels a fresh read through as well.

