Rev. Ali Smith's picture

Rev. Ali Smith


A New Old-Fashioned Pentecost Hymn

Pentecost is this upcoming Sunday (May 27).  I always enjoy our celebration of it, especially here at Forest Hill United where we celebrate with lots of Holy Spirit hymns and communion.

crazyheart's picture




This is a word that apparently is used for the Holy Spirit in Christian churches as well as Advocate . I have never heard it before and do not use it. What about you?

Ellen1's picture




Visitation dreams are a form of grief, but provide hope and may be the person's spirit coming to comfort us.  What if the resurrection is a symbol of the life beyond death that comes to us in the spirit through dreams?  

Has anyone had a visitation dream?

Anonymous's picture



One, Two, Trinity or more?

Most trinitarians accept that God is three persons, father, son, and holy ghost.

But what can make sure that God consists of three persons? What if he simply hasn't revealed a fourth person to us yet? How do we know that there are exactly three and not two or just one with three "masks"?


DJonahJagger's picture



April 5 sermon - Never Alone!

Sermon – April 5, 2009

brads ego's picture

brads ego


Is Heaven Bogus?

Most of my best ideas come to me while in the shower. Most of my worst ideas also come to me while in the shower. My point – most of my ideas comes to me while in the shower. Like most epiphanies, especially ones that happen in the shower, this one could easily be shot down with one sentence – I am looking for that one sentence. So theists, please help me with this one. This is not an argument against the existence of god/God/G-d. It is an argument against the incompatibility of earthly suffering and heaven.

revjohn's picture



I Believe that there is a God. Consider this my vote.

Hi All,


When The United Church of Canada came into being in 1925 and everyone was wondering where we would line up theologically on a whole host of doctrinal possibilities we brought forward 20 articles of faith.


Every article but two begins with the phrase "We Believe."  Those two artivcles that deviate begin with "We acknowledge." which is hardly equivalent to statements of unbelief.


lovebelize's picture



How does one receive the holy spirit?

How does one receive the holy spirit? Does it need to be conferred, from one believer, to another?
