Pinga's picture



It's Good Friday - what are you doing?

How do you approach Good Friday this year?


Do you enter it after study throughout the time of Lent?


Do you enter it  seeing the story alive in today's world, or is it something far removed from where you are



Do you have a special ritual on Good Friday, something, possibly through your church or community, which has meaning to you, but isn't part of the traditional service.


How do you enter this Holy weekend?


Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Lights out

Our little family hadn’t yet finished eating dinner last Saturday when Earth Hour arrived, so we turned off the electric lights. As candlelight softened faces, the conversation hardened. It was difficult and painful to contemplate some of the questions raised by the week’s headlines. Weakening ecological health. Deepening distrust in the church. Tensions between those for whom the church embodies a community of hope and those for whom it represents the weight of oppression.
