GeoFee's picture



Trust the Spirit; Speak and Act Plain... The Opening Way!

Resort to group think processes may serve well to defer change in practice, being liable to abstraction, with words displacing action as the operative norm. Words are spoken, collected, collated and re-framed as saummary statements. These summary statements are then disseminated as information for the constituent community. On reception, the words of the summary statement are adopted, or not, as normative for the life and work of the constituent community's communities.


Pinga's picture



Social Media Shares: Social Justice, Alternative News

This is a place to share social media items that you have found.


Some of them may spawn threads to discuss them;however, it would be awesome if this thread was really focussed on the information that you feel is worth passing on to others.


Suggestion:  Pull the links, and put a short description of why you think it is awesome.

Consider it a library.,



