somegalfromcan's picture



Homebrewed Christianity - Occupy Panel

I thought this was quite an interesting video, and would be curious to hear what others think:



crazyheart's picture



Census 2011 - It's the Law

The Census 2011 forms are here and I have to only fill out the short form. It is mailed but many will fill it out on-line.And it is law that everyone fill one out. What is the penalty if you don't, I wonder.


Over 2000  years ago, it says in Luke 2 that the Emporer Augustus ordered a census to be taken through-out the Roman Empire.  This was not the first Census taken back then.Joseph went from nazareth with a pregnant mary, I might add, to Bethlehem in Judea to be counted. What was the penalty, if he didn't register, I wonder?


DKS's picture



Poor Joseph. God s a hard act to follow

Seems this progressive Anglican church in New Zealand had caused a stir with a billboard with the caption "Poor Joseph. God is a hard act to follow."

Church web page:


News story here:

rishi's picture



Something about Mary

Something about Mary, the mother of Jesus, that I wonder about is the role she played in Jesus's experience of God.  The One Jesus called 'Father' was no longer just an image of an ancient Mediterranean male with super-powers, no longer a God who had to win regardless of how many souls got lost in the process.


rishi's picture



Why does God need a Mother?

Was there a conflation between "the Just God" and an abusive tribal father figure? How could there not be?  This reminds me of the popular view that there's nothing wrong with a little rage as long as it's directed toward a "just end."  It also reminds me of a comment from a prayer by St. Anselm:


"So the accused flees from the just God to the good mother of the merciful God"

crazyheart's picture



Mary - Maclean's Magazine

this is an exerpt from a letter to the editor in MacLean's magazine - may 4th.

