GRR's picture




I don't have as much time as I once did to hang out at the cafe. I confess I miss it.


Skimming through a number of threads, a sort of theme emerged and I wonder if it might be worth pulling into its own thread.


Most mainline clergy and lay preachers I know understand the Bible as "true but not historical". I think it was Gord who mentioned, in the context of midrasch, that we have to study Scripture in a way that allows us to find the context for our time, where the ancient story intersects with our lives.


Mendalla's picture



Creation Stories

Hello, WC,


I am doing a service on Creation stories in my UU church in a couple weeks. I'm reading though Virginia Hamilton's In the Beginning, an excellent collection of creation stories from around the world trying to pick out some to read in the service. It's oriented to older kids, but the style makes it a good choice for reading in the service since the renditions are fairly short and read aloud well.

