giastorm's picture



shedding old skin

I was in church this weekend when I realized my face was numb. My daughter looked at me and asked me if I was crying because my face was wet. In fact, I was experiencing a rather horrendous allergy attack. Again. Eczema gone wild, if you will.

You see, if you have eczema, and if bacteria gets into it, you can get cellulitis. I had it on my hands and face, and let me tell you, it was not a good look. My face doubled in size. My skin was seeping. Grody all around.

I haven't even begun to discuss the itch. Or the irritability. 

So, I went to the hospital and there I remained for a couple days, until last night. I was pumped full of antihistimines, steroids and antibiotics to ensure that the swelling came down. And it worked. I morphed into a flake monster instead.

Thankfully, I met the head of the dermatology unit at the hospital, and we're on a program now.  I have a portable IV pump and am set up to watch the next couple seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer at home. 

Interesting juxtaposition though... As all this was starting -- my skin aching, itching, seeping, I was listening to the ministers discuss dry bones, Lazarus, and renewal. Personal reflection was immediate, and remaining mindful of the experience of guided meditation and reflection was near impossible.

I pushed through, and even realized a couple things that I would like to see changed in preaching, in general. (Another blog post. Trust me.) For this ADHD mama, I was happy to have listened and reflected, and realized that this is the time of renewal. and that I am blessed.

I am blessed to be in a workplace that allows me to challenge myself spiritually because it knows that doing so makes me a better person. Looping back to my earlier times of theological studies was scary for a bit, and I have been reticent to express faith with my friends and family, for a long time. 

Thing is, expressing my faith in the ways that I chose doesn't change who I am. It it is me, same old me, with a another outlet. Interesting that it took the atheist husband to point that out to me. He's not intimidated by this journey because I have been on the road for a long time.  

Love, compassion, social justice and activism are part of my expression of faith, and are essential elements of the person that I am. I look at the spring and feel the optimism and renewal.

I hope everyone gets to shed some of the old skin -- albeit not so dramatically as I have -- to make way for the new shiny stuff. It's feeling good: like this is even better than before. 

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AaronMcGallegos's picture



 Sorry to hear this Giastorm. Sounds horrible! Hope you feel better soon!

SG's picture



Sorry that you had to get an eczema flare-up and cellulitis for your revelation. It happens that way sometimes.


I cannot wait to hear your "things I would like changed in preaching" blog.

roberrific's picture



Things I'd Like Changed in Preaching would be a good blog topic. I'd read that one.

giastorm's picture



 Okey dokey. I think that Change in Preaching will come. 
