Hillingford's picture



'Nest Among The Stars' is now published

    Many people ask, "Why am I here?", "Does God exist?", "What is my purpose?", "Does God really care?" A new book called 'Nest Among The Stars', answers these questions, and many others of a similar nature, in a fast paced, interesting, 'can't-put-it-down', popular fiction style. Unlike most books of a religious nature, 'Nest Among The Stars' delves into deep questions about life, God, and the universe without 'preachy religiousity' or self-righteous 'holy than thou' theology. It presents a captivating story line which makes you want to keep turning the pages without realizing that many life's unanswered questions are being addressed. I strongly recommend you take a look at a preview of the book at 'Lulu.com' by typing 'Nest Among The Stars' into the 'search' icon in the 'book' catagory. I guarantee you will never have read a Christian book like this before. It will appeal to both people who acknowledge God and to a secular audience. I trust you will share my enthusiasm for this new book.

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nighthawk's picture



Spam-bot?  Or just annoying publishing house plant?

Arminius's picture



Why am I here?


Forget about the "why," and forget about the question mark.


I am here!




Hillingford's picture



Not spam-bot or a publishing house plant. Just a frustrated writer with some great ideas to think about, but who can't get published (other than self-publishing). Until then, I want to enjoy a discussion of the books ideas (though not the book) while obtaining ideas for a second book. Trusting in your compassionate understanding and participation.

Sumguywho's picture



Nest Among The Stars is a fiction book which contains a lot of practical wisdom and deep understanding. I found this to be an interesting combination to find within the pages of a book that is so entertaining to read. It's nice to once again know that there is a writer out there who can spin a tale that makes you actually want to pause and think about what you have just read. Far from detracting from the story this has the effect of enhancing the experience. Very well done!

aprylle's picture



Nest among the stars *

*yet another book with someone else's opinions...

people need answers and look to someone else to provide them. Do they not trust themselves? Will they question what is written or just take it by Faith??

some days i wonder........