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Rev. Ali Smith


Now Is The Time for Making Choices

Maritime Conference has been sending out Lenten e-mails for young families.  I was asked to write the one for the second week.  Here it is:


Lent 2
Our Writer This Week
Rev. Ali Smith

Rev. Ali Smith is the minister at Forest Hill United Church in Fredericton, NB and the mother of an energetic two year old.
Now is the Time for MAKING CHOICES
Now is the time for making choices.  The journey of Lent begins with us remembering the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness for 40 days. This time sets the course for the rest of Jesus' ministry. In the wilderness, he decides which path he is going to follow in life. And for the rest of his life, he makes wise decisions that keep him on the good path, to keep him walking in God's way.
Whether we are young or old, we encounter temptation each and every day of our lives.  It's how we deal with that temptation that really matters. Pay attention to the number of times you make choices every day.
Lent is a special time where we pay closer attention to the choices we make, the words we say, and the things we do. 
As we journey through Lent, there will be more difficult choices to make. But when we take time to discern the right path to follow, our lives become very fulfilling. This helps us to learn more about who we really are as the people of God.
Recently, we read the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness for forty days in Mark 1:19-15.  God helped Jesus to walk in God's way and God helps us too.
Getting Ready for the Mystery of Easter
Did you know?  In the story of Jesus in the wilderness, it says that he is tempted by the devil.  The word devil means "slanderer" in Greek, which is someone who deliberately tells lies in order to ruin another person's reputation.
Lent has 40 days because it is modelled after the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness.  Noah was also on the ark for 40 days.  The Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the desert.  That is a lot of time to think about life!  You might want to set aside a "thinking spot" in your home, a comfy space where little people and big people can sit to think when they are trying to make decisions big and small.
I wonder . . . how can we make good choices as a family?
Sometimes in Lent we make conscious decisions about how we are going to live our lives.  You may want to...something environmental...and decide as a family what changes you could make in your home.
Read Jesus' Wilderness Storyfrom either Mark 1:9-15, Luke 4:1-13 or Matthew 4:1-11 in a children's bible.  May I suggest "Jesus Gets Ready" from The Family Story Bible by Ralph Milton.
I wonder . . .
...what part of the story did you like best
...what part is most important
...this story says about God ...what it says about people God cares for us in this story
[Note: Wondering questions are open-ended and encourage imagination. There are no right or wrong answers.]

Continuing to Get Ready Activities

Making a Placemat
While you are preparing the meal, have the kids do some mazes.  (You can print mazes from this site]: In a maze, you have to make decisions as to the right way to go so that you don't hit a dead end.  A couple of the mazes can then be glued on to a larger piece of paper. They can use this "maze placemat" during this meal time.
Choosing Our Food
The choices we make are not always on big moral issues. We make lots of little choices each day too and choosing can be fun!  Encourage your children to make some decisions around what they eat.  You might consider serving make-your-own pizzas, tacos, and even sundaes this week so they can practice making decisions.
Lighting a Candle is a Prayer
Perhaps you would like to continue lighting the purple candle on the table before meals. Here are some words to say as you light your candle.
One:    We light a candle to remember Jesus it the Light.
All:      May God light the way so we can see where we are going.
Saying Grace
Once the food has been served, offer this action prayer as a grace:
Give us food to make us grow.  (hands overhead)
And teach us things we need to know. (hands on head)
Help us love one another and love you. (hands on heart)
And make good decisions in all that we do. (hands outstretched)
A-men.  (clap on "men")
Making Choices
There's a game you can play anywhere any time that helps children discern good choices from bad choices and to think about the consequences of such choices.  Simply give a scenario and ask the child, "What would you do?"  The scenarios can be based upon real life situations that your children find themselves in.  For examples of scenarios, visit this site.
Telling Stories
Many classic fairy tales are all about characters making decisions.  You likely know many of these stories off the top of your head.  There are several interactive ways you could tell these stories. 
You could tell the story as it has been traditionally told and talk with your child about what happens because a character does a certain thing.  For example, with the Three Little Pigs, talk about what happened because the one pig built his house out of straw.  Maybe even discuss what he could have done differently.
A creative way to tell these stories is to start one the way you normally would and then let your child decide what the characters should do every step of the way.  See how differently it might end.  For instance, does Jack decide to trade for the magic beans in Jack in the Bean stalk?  What happens to him if he doesn't chop down the bean stalk?
Doing Paper Activities
There are many children's activities about Jesus' Wilderness Story for different ages.  Print off a word scramble to take along with you or a word search puzzle or a colouring sheet.  A list of printable activities as well as other crafts and lessons on the theme of temptation can be found here: 
Finding 40 Things
Picking up on the theme of 40, together try to name 40 things you see as you are driving in the car.  These can be general things or you might choose a specific theme like 40 things that are purple or 40 things that are alive.  You might never make it to 40 but you'll have fun trying.
Reading a Story
Story time is a wonderful part of most children's bedtime routines.  There are many children's books that deal with the topic of making good choices.  Check some of these books out of your local library.  Some suggestions are Martha Speaks by Susan Meddaugh or Franklin Fibs by Paulette Bourgeois.
A lot of favourite children's songs can be adapted to remind us about making good choices.  Try singing this version of "Twinkle, Twinkle" at bedtime.
Twinkle, twinkle shining stars,
Some so close and some so far.
I will choose one that is bright.
It will help me do what's right.
I will follow God's good way.
God's light will guide me, this I pray.
Guide your child in some imagining.  Choose the questions you ask depending on the age of your child.  Help your child to think of a time when it was hard for them to do the right thing.  They can either talk about this out loud or imagine it in their minds.  Have them consider what made this time hard for them.  Have them picture Jesus with them during that hard time.  Notice what Jesus is doing.  What is Jesus doing?  What is Jesus saying?  How did you feel knowing that Jesus was with you?  God is always with us during these hard times.
Give your kids some easy starters as a way to pray at bedtime.
Hi God,
thank you for the good things of today like . . .
thank you for the people I love like . . .
tomorrow I would like to . . .
A-men.   (clap on "men")
Some Favourite Things
A Favourite Website
The "Fridge Art" section of Domestic Church.  There is a whole section on Lent divided into meaningful and fun activities for young children and older children.
A Favourite Video
"Larry Boy and the Bad Apple" - a Veggie Tales video about fighting temptation.  Here is a preview: 
A Favourite Book
Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss (about choosing good roads)


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